Encouragement Ink

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Keep Holding On

Keep Holding On

New Living Translation


I had a rough morning. I felt like I was struggling. I was a bit sleepy, but it felt like more than that. I prayed and then all I heard was…I will give it to you in writing.

I prayed more. I did the scriptural surprise. I was in Nehemiah and I wasn’t seeing it. I had asked the Holy Spirit to see a specific word, but I wasn’t seeing it. I felt myself getting frustrated. But I kept praying. I kept reading Nehemiah and while I didn’t see the word in Nehemiah anywhere, I did see the words: “putting it in writing” in Nehemiah chapter 9, verse 38.

I felt like I wasn’t satisfied because I hadn’t seen the word I was looking for. So then I went to the topical index in my bible, there was the word: Encouragement. I was expecting for the Holy Spirit to show it to me in the scriptural surprise, but here I was going to the topic index and looking for it! I didn’t quite like that. I wanted it a certain way because I like I how it felt when the Holy Spirit surprised me in that specific way (randomly opening my bible and seeing the word that I expected to see). I prayed and then I felt some disappointment. Was I feeling this way because it didn’t happen the way I tried to control it to happen? Yup! Lord forgive me for trying to control how YOU choose to confirm things to me. I know that His ways are not our ways. I know this. And I shouldn’t have let that bother me, but it did.

Before I left the prayer closet, I prayed and realized that I had left my bible open to Hebrews 10:23-25.

Without wavering, let us hold tightly to the hope we say we have, for God can be trusted to keep his promise. Think of ways to encourage one another to outbursts of love and good deeds. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage and warn each other, especially now that the day of his coming back again is drawing near. Hebrews 10: 23-25

Don’t waver Fon. Keep holding on!

As I prepared to write the blog, my prophetess friend texted me almost immediately as I left out of the prayer closet. She was actually coming out of prayer and I fell on her mind!! She prayed that all was well with me and that God is moving in me, through me, and for me! I mentioned to her my frustration and she spoke a word! I just realized at this very moment…SHE WAS THE ENCOURAGEMENT that I was looking for in the bible. God used her to encourage ME! She even said in her text, “He is truly concerned about us.”

I am writing this with tears overflowing out of my eyes because the first thing He said to me was…I will give it to you in writing! Her text was IN WRITING!!

Thank you Jesus!!!!!!! I am overflowing right now.

My encouragement to you…keep holding on because GOD CAN BE TRUSTED TO KEEP HIS PROMISE! He just did it for me as I was WRITING…the revelation came as I was WRITING!! MY GOD MY GOD MY GOD!!! When I got up off my knees and left out the prayer closet with nothing to say on this blog…I said I trust you God. I got in position. I started typing. I said, well I will just tell everyone the only thing you said to me and I guess that will be all for today. But God is faithful yall. He clearly had more for me to share and I had no idea. But I trusted Him. If we just keep holding on. He is faithful! Today He put me in remembrance of two things:

  1. HIs ways are not our ways.

  2. Don’t force the answer to the prayer, just keep holding on.

I love you God!! You are truly amazing and once again, you have shown me a love that exceeds all.


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A Word from God.