That's It!

That’s It!

Contemporary English Version

Contemporary English Version


Do you remember the movie The Color Purple? If you haven’t seen it, here’s a snippet of the song that fell in my spirit this morning as I was in the prayer closet. I said the words, Speak Lord, and the song, God is trying to Tell You Something, came up immediately. I started singing it. I have always loved this song but now that I hear from God every morning and He actually speaks to me, this song takes on a new level of praise! How crazy was it that I was jamming this song even when I was blind, when I was lost, and couldn’t sleep at night, as the songstress says. God was trying to tell me something back then, but I wasn’t really listening. But today… I am singing: I hear ya Lord!

This morning, I went in the prayer closet and got on my knees. I always seem to get in this posture when I am a tad sleepy or sluggish (don’t be judging me now). I started praying, and then I felt my mind wonder off trying to figure out some stuff, and I heard the Holy Spirit say…”Uhm, what are you doing? I got that all figured out already. Now stand up and pray.”

I got up and y’all, when I got up, it was like the motion of getting up gave me this strength! I got up with fire! I prayed boldly in the Spirit. I have felt myself pray this way before, but today it had a freshness on it. I kept hearing the Holy Spirt say: That’s It! That’s It! That’s It! Then it changed to, It’s That! It’s That! It’s That!

I don’t know who this is for, but whatever you’ve been questioning God about and asking…is that it? He is saying…That’s IT! It’s THAT! Now take action. I didn’t even know if the Holy Spirit meant that for me, but then I realized, yup, it’s for me too!

I had been praying about my new company name and felt like I wasn’t clear on it. And if you read yesterday’s blog post, you know I was kind of frustrated because I was trying to confirm it forcefully. But after waiting on God, He confirmed it so many times when I went to prayer service. I just had to laugh after hearing the word for like the 10th time (LOL)!! Then to hear the words…”That’s It! It’s That!” confirmed it solidly. Now it’s time for me to take action, and move forward. Don’t wonder no more. That’s IT!! He is saying the same to you…stop wondering. That’s IT! It’s THAT!

I also heard these words from the Holy Spirit:

  • Wisdom

  • Strategy

  • Overflow

  • No more confusion

  • No more procrastination

  • Peace

  • Calm

  • Run the race

  • Momentum

Whatever action or assignment God is telling you to take, that’s it! It’s that! You are no longer confused about it. You will no longer procrastinate on it. God will give you the wisdom, the strategy and the momentum to run the race with whatever He is telling you to do. And you will be calm and have peace about it as you do it! Woo Wee…thank you Holy Ghost!! Is that not something to get pumped about? You better get excited over there!!

Now that you are clear on the instructions and know… That’s It, be aware that the enemy is mad. I didn’t understand it this morning, but it all makes sense to me now why I was reading the chapter, Confronting the Enemy’s Tactics, this morning in my fave prayer book, Prayers That Rout Demons by John Eckhardt!

In the book, it says we can overcome and destroy the enemy’s strategies through prayer. So don’t become discouraged in prayer. Continue to pray. You will become stronger, and the enemy will become weaker. We must see our spiritual enemies completely destroyed. We must pursue the enemy, which means to follow, in order to overtake or capture. We can’t be passive when it comes to warfare. Our victories over the enemy will release shalom, which in Hebrew means peace, prosperity, favor, health, and well being.

Yes!! That’s IT!! This means WAR!!

And we can’t forget one of my favorite things about prayer time! The Scriptural Surprise for today was Proverbs 21 and 22. Go read it!! You will be wiser. Heeey!! That’s the wisdom God spoke a word about up above! (Wondering what the Scriptural Surprise is all about? Read this blog post!)

I love how the Holy Spirit pulls it all together for me, because some days (like today), I walked out of the prayer closet feeling on fire, but I was like…now how is all that going to turn into a blog post? Once again, I walked out saying…you do it Lord. I trust you to do it! And behold…He is doing a new thing through me!

Go do whatever God told you…THAT’S IT!


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A Word from God.

A Word from God.