Keeping A Kingdom Perspective Is Necessary!
In obedience, the On Assignment By God Blog, now has an audio feature where you can listen to this blog right here, or on your favorite podcast listening app!! Be sure to subscribe on the podcast app! Find us at On Assignment By God, for the podcast! Thank you for your prayers as I continue to be obedient and do what God says! Happy Listening!!
I have to start this off by saying today is Wednesday, April 22, 2020! I am doing that solely for my benefit of knowing what day it is! Y’all, I don’t know about you, but I just knew yesterday was Friday! I was talking to a friend of mine and as if today was going to be Saturday! LOL! I asked my kids what day it felt like, and my daughter said “no day.” If you’re experiencing the same thing we are where all the days are running together and there is no natural break in your routine from the weekday to the weekend, then be encouraged to know that today is WEDNESDAY!! LOL LOL!!
So what did me and the Holy Spirit talk about this morning? Well when my echo dot went off at 5 a.m. with praise and worship music, I heard the lyrics that said: God will make wrong things, right! Now I have to be honest, I didn’t quite get up as that specific song was playing. I called myself laying there to listen to it and yes I drifted off for a minute or two or three or 20. Who knows. Either way though, I got up and headed to the prayer closet to spend my morning with Holy Spirit. Side Note: if you have not created a dedicated space where you spend time with the Lord every morning, do that today.
As I am praying and hearing from Holy Spirit, I heard it again: I will make wrong things right.
Y’all know I was getting a bit emotional when I heard that because I have done tons of things wrong in my life. I can’t take them back, but the Holy Spirit wanted me to know HE CAN. He can make wrong things right!! Thank you JESUS!!!!!!
This morning as I felt my prayers ending, I grabbed my Prayers That Rout Demons book and did some morning confessions and declarations. I am going to share a few with you because I really want to encourage you to get some morning confessions that you can recite every morning. How you start your day and end your day is so key to living a blessed life. So here are a few that I said this morning:
Lord, let me be amazed at Your power (Luke 9:43).
Evil spirits leave my life as I hear and speak the Word (Matthew 8:16)
I command all devils to leave my children in the name of Jesus (Mark 7:29)
Give me strength to bring forth my destiny (Isaiah 66:9)
I bind and cast out all familiar spirits that would try to operate in my life in the name of Jesus (Isaiah 8:19)
I bind and cast out every thief that would try to steal my finances in the name of Jesus (John 10:10)
I receive abundance and prosperity through the blood of Jesus.
Those are just a few of the scriptures and words I confessed this morning. When I opened my Bible to Job this morning, I read the Word and heard the Lord say, “Keep a Kingdom perspective no matter what you see going on in this world.” (Job 20:4-5). This is so vital to us as believers in Jesus Christ. We can’t get caught up in what we see with our eyes because everything is really spiritual, so that requires us to keep a Kingdom perspective.
The Holy Spirit also told me: “Don’t focus on who or how it will happen.” I heard this as I flipped in my Bible randomly to Mark 16:3. Now you know I say randomly but ain’t nothing random with Holy Spirit. If you are expecting a Word, you will get just that. In this scripture, it’s after Jesus had died on the cross and the women were going to anoint him the morning after. Now I recently did a blog about the women and their importance during the Resurrection so be sure to check that out. But here, the women were walking to anoint Jesus and they were talking amongst themselves saying, who will roll away the stone from the entrance to the tomb for us?
But when you keep reading in the very next verse, the women LOOKED UP, and noticed that the stone which was very large had been rolled away. Now y’all that verse right there along with what the Holy Spirit said to me about not focusing on who or how it will happen gets me sooo excited!!!! YOU HEAR ME!! I hope it gets you excited too!!! That means we don’t have to try to figure it out because God already worked it out. But you got to notice something here. They weren’t at HOME talking about this. They had gotten up EARLY and were headed to do what they knew to do (which was anoint the body of Jesus) and IN ROUTE (somebody say IN ROUTE), ooh wee, y’all I feel this all over me right now! IN ROUTE, they were talking about WHO WILL ROLL THE STONE AWAY. They weren’t even talking as if the stone COULDN’T be rolled away. Listen, they got up, they got dressed, they got their spices, they headed out, they talked amongst themselves and I believe if they were like me and my crew of women, they were thinking which one of US is going to be able to pull this off. LOL!! Come on y’all.
Do you have friends like that? I am actually that friend that will swear I am STRONG enough to move a stone. LOL! I could hear myself in the conversation with the women talking like this: well how many men was that rolled the stone to cover the tomb, because I been doing some training and I can probably at least get it to move some and with yall’s help, we can probably do it. LOL! See y’all, that IS exactly why the Holy Spirit told my INDEPENDENT self to not focus on who or how it will happen! The Lord is saying…Fon, stop thinking you got to do it all on your own. I GOT YOU BOO! LOL! Just keep heading to the tomb or heading in the direction I have called you in and once you arrive, you will look up and see everything obstacle that entered your mind will be moved out of the way and you will have a clear path to your destiny!! JESUS!!!!! Come on now yall!! If you ain’t getting happy right now, then free yourself from the bondage of thinking you got to do this life on your own! You don’t!!!
I think I need some water or some gatorade or something! The Holy Spirit is sho’nuff talking to me TODAY!!!
Finally, the Holy Spirit told me that I need to pull a better schedule together or this time He has given me will slip away and I won’t have accomplished what He wanted me to do in this season!
Okay God. I hear you! I got to tighten up my current schedule because I am getting things done but He is telling me to tighten up and put a better schedule together. So that’s my assignment for today! Now I don’t know what He wants me to do, so I am going to get in position with the current schedule and EXPECT Him to show me how to better navigate my day. Come on y’all. If He rolled the stone away, He can definitely show me how to maximize my day!!!
In summary, I encourage us to KEEP A KINGDOM PERSPECTIVE in everything we see today, tomorrow, and forever more. Because with a Kingdom perspective, you know forever more means eternity.
P.S. Be sure to listen to each episode as I always go deeper on the audio version of the blog.
Be sure to check out my new ebook, My Conversations With God below! It’s definitely a trip back to the beginning of my prayer journey. In doing the project, I realized that some of the messages God gave me last year are even more relevant today. Get your copy now during the book release SALE for only $9!!!
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What did the Lord God say to you in your conversation with Him this morning?
Create a space where you go and spend time with the Holy Spirit every morning.
REMINDER: Don’t forget to read the Scriptural Surprise below and see what the Lord says to you about it.
Check out today’s Scriptural Surprise!
If you’re not a believer and have a desire to be, openly confess and declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer out loud, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community and start having a conversation through prayer with God every day. And let me be the first to welcome you to your new life with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. YAAAAY!!!!! You made the best decision you could ever make! Feel free to email me at and let me know about your newfound life or if you need prayer for anything.