Make Your Mind Up!

Make Your Mind Up!

Contemporary English Version

Contemporary English Version


For some reason this morning, I was very emotional in the prayer closet. I didn’t have the bold posture today, but more of an “at the feet of Jesus” posture. I prayed, I cried, and I thanked Him for answered prayer. I cried even more as I thought about my life and how far He’s brought me. I thought about my kids, my family, and I even thought about my love life. I’ve been praying for a love life straight from God. I don’t want anything else that’s not permissioned by God. That’s been my prayer. I have tried not to allow my prayer request about my love life to consume my mind, but this morning, I let go of trying to control what consumes my mind. I let go and just allowed the Holy Spirit to comfort me in a way that no man could. I sat in my prayer closet on the floor in the kind of position I imagine I would sit if the chair I was leaning on were Jesus. I just laid my head on the stool and I cried. I didn’t feel sad. I felt relieved as every tear dropped.

As I was crying, I opened my eyes and my attention, although blurry from tears, went right to the picture hanging up in my bathroom wall. What’s ironic is that I normally close my closet door when I go into the prayer closet, but this morning I didn’t…for some reason. God knew that I would need to open my eyes to his Word in a bigger print than my Bible. I looked at the picture given to me by a dear friend before I moved to Mississippi. It’s the Jeremiah 29:11 verse. As I sat on the floor of my prayer closet crying, I just felt the presence of the Holy Spirit comforting me as I read the picture, word for word.

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

That verse has been a comfort to me since my divorce, since my move to a new city, and definitely since I surrendered control of my life to God. It has been solid even through my weakest moments. I believe that verse wholeheartedly. I believe the plan that God has for me is way better than any plan that I could have for myself.

Here’s what else me and the Holy Spirit had a conversation about through my tears this morning. He did most of the talking this morning and I needed to hear it ALL:

  • I am so glad we talk every day!

  • I love you! (this made me cry even more).

  • I have so much in store for you.

  • I am preparing you for it as we speak. (I am so thankful that we speak daily, because that means you’re preparing me daily for what you have for me).

  • Don’t get tired, Fon, because I am just getting started.

  • I needed you to be consistent before I could take you further (I have never been consistent with anything like I have been with prayer for the last 5 months).

  • I am proud of your consistency Fon.

  • I knew you could do it! I know who I made you to be and I see HER more and more everyday ( I started crying even more because all I want is for God to be happy with me and this life He gave me).

  • I am. I am so proud of you (I kept crying as I heard this response from the Holy Spirit).

  • I see your heart Fon. You have always had a good heart. Keep loving people with the same love I have for you.

I needed a release apparently this morning and I am so glad that I can release with the ONLY one who can comfort ME!

I finally stopped crying enough and grabbed by Bible. When I opened my Bible for the scriptural surprise (this is when I just randomly open my Bible to a page and look for a message from God for today), I landed on Daniel 1 and 2. The verse that stood out the most is pictured above in chapter 1, verse 8. Daniel made up his mind not to eat what the King had provided because it went against what God had approved for his people to eat and drink. When you read through that chapter, God gave the chief official respect for Daniel, so when Daniel asked for PERMISSION not to eat the food, the chief official gave him the opportunity to do it God’s way!

What do you need to make your mind up about today that God has not approved? Once you make up your mind, God will give you the favor you need to complete the assignment and accomplish His will! I know this to be true. Once I made up my mind during the prayer challenge to pray every day, I did!

Go read Daniel and see what revelations God has for you!

Now Daniel got PERMISSION from the chief official…have you gotten your copy of Permission Slips yet? LOL!!

Well, get to ordering! I can’t wait to sign a copy just for you…and your whole family too! Ha Ha Ha!


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A Word from God.

A Word from God.

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