Encouragement Ink

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You Write And I'll Do The Rest

Day 2 of Obedience

“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and LIVE righteously, and He will give you EVERYTHING you need. Matthew 6:33


Today, during my morning prayer time, I got up kind of sleepy, but ready. God has been telling me to get to bed early, so that I won’t be so sleepy during the beginning of our prayer time, but some nights I get to scrolling on Instagram and laughing at Christian comedy or listening to short inspirational preaching messages from Dr. Myles Munroe, T.D. Jakes, Joyce Meyer, Dr. Myles Munroe, T.D. Jakes, Pastor Mike Todd, Dr. Myles Munroe, and Munroe Global, and Dr. Myself Munroe…wait…you get my point. I BE STRAIGHT BINGING ON DMM (that’s what I have dubbed the greatest teacher of all time…Dr. Myles Munroe). But the next thing you know, a WHOLE LOT of time has passed. Now I won’t say how much time because it’s embarrassing, but let’s just say longer than a few minutes because DMM messages are ALL over an hour. But IT BE CALLING ME! LOL. Anyway, so I was sleepy a bit this morning, but here is what God said to me. Notice the first thing He says:

  • Limit your time looking at others on Instagram. I want you to focus on management skills and growing that area of your life. (See there. Right when I thought I had gotten away with watching GOOD stuff on Instagram, God said, yeah it’s good but that’s not how I want you to use so much of your time). God said grow your area of management because it is KEY to your growth.

  • God gave me two personal messages to share with some family members and a grieving friend. Those messages were specifically for them, so I won’t share them here. I am only sharing this little bit because I want you to see how God uses my prayer time to speak to me about a variety of people and things.

  • Write about how I told you to get back to the original vision for your t-shirt business and stop doing custom tees for profit. So there. God told me to stop doing custom tees and go back to doing my own line of branded Encouragement Tees. This was the original vision God gave me back in 2014 and I learned how to do custom tees and began to allow that money to get me off track from the assignment. Guess what? Doing custom tees strained me, stressed me, and made me not want to do tees anymore. God said I never told you to do custom tees. Just because you learn a new skill doesn’t mean I want you to do it for profit. Stop doing custom tees for profit. That’s not your gift and that’s why I never allowed the money to flow. (okkkkkkk then God, I got ya).

  • God: You will be coaching people again on their purpose and their assignment, but not in the way you coached before. This time you will offer it for free with a tee. Me: Huh?? Wait, say what nah God?). God: You won’t even advertise it. And you heard what I said, free. Me: So I didn’t dare argue with God. Jeremiah 29:11 starts off by saying FOR I KNOW THE PLANS I HAVE FOR YOU, declares the Lord. So with that being said…I am going to keep pushing with HIS plan. That’s the whole point of being here on earth…to do HIS WILL on earth as it is in heaven.

  • God: This journey is about you being transparent and writing it all down. You write and I will do the rest.

  • Me: Lord, what about creating more EncouragemenTees designs, because I only have 2 designs right now? God: I will not give you more designs until you practice money management skills first. I need you to be at a different level in money management because when I give you the new designs, I need you to be ready to take action on them immediately and your money must be managed first.