Ain't Worried Bout Nothin

Ain’t Worried Bout Nothin…Now That I’ve Prayed

“Don’t worry about anything, instead PRAY about everything.” Philippians 4:6


My day started out with prayer and writing. I have started taking my journal into the prayer closet because when Holy Spirit gives me something to write down, I need to have my journal accessible immediately.

Have you ever prayed and had thoughts come to your mind? Did you wonder if it was you or God speaking? Well I got some great advice from Terri Savelle Foy, who said just write down what you hear regardless. As you continue to pray and hear God’s voice, you will grow into your ability to discern HIM from YOU.

See, I grew up in the Baptist Church, where writing during prayer time would have NEVER been said. I mean I grew up thinking prayer was only what I grew up seeing. My granddaddy could pray like nobody’s business. I mean he had a flow with a hum that was amazing. I remember how he would get on that knee and straight run prayer BARS! Yes I said BARS! But I never knew my prayer time could include writing? It seemed so “formal”…until I was baptized IN THE HOLY SPIRIT. My prayer life completely changed and now my journal is WRITE by me. I also heard Cindy Trimm echo this same sentiment. Trimm says after you speak in tongues, you should always have a notepad nearby to write down what God is saying. She says when you walk back and forth as you speak in tongues, you repossess and take back territories that you have lost. Yeah, it was a pretty amazing nine minutes of awesomeness as she broke it down. Check out the awesome 9 minute YouTube video of her sharing how you can give birth to your destiny assignment through speaking in tongues. Worth EVERY MINUTE!

So after saying all that…am I the only one who was missing out and trying hard to remember everything I had heard from God during my prayer time? Well now that we KNOW better, we can DO better. I write during prayer time now and you should too! You will be amazed at your writing and what God says. The power of praying in tongues and a pen…(maaaaaaan, you talk about something SUPER POWERFUL!! WOOO WEEEE). I just realized in this moment of excitement that you can’t type in unknown tongues, but you get my point :-)

Now on to my conversation with God today. There were four areas that The Holy Spirit spoke to me about this morning during our 40 minutes of prayer time. Of the four areas, three were about money (eek!).

Here’s our conversation:

  • Stop worrying about how much money you will have left. I will provide. Do you trust me only when you have extra money in the bank? Or will you just trust me completely?

  • When I prayed about my debts. this is what Holy Spirit said: It is better to pay them off than be able to see money sitting in your account. You owe them and until you pay them off, you are a slave to them. I need you to come out of slavery. Where I am taking you, YOU CAN’T BE A SLAVE! You are part of the Kingdom. Get out of that slave mentality and pay your debts and trust me that I will provide even if I have to start at ZERO…after you pay it off.

  • I need you to know where every dollar is going because that is good management. I need you to trust MY way of stewardship. Will you trust MY way or over your way? My reply: I TRUST YOU COMPLETELY GOD!

Now the last area that God spoke to me about was specifically a message for members of my family, but I am sharing it because it can be applicable to you and your family too.

  • Trust me even MORE and remove anything that is NOT OF ME. Follow my directions and do what I say. Stop focusing on the wrong stuff and focus on ME.

My prayer for you reading this…commit to praying and try writing down what you hear from God. I’d love to know how different you feel afterwards. Trust me, it’s life changing to hear from your Creator!

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