
Listen Linda!

“But don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves.” James 1:22


This morning was a very powerful morning of prayer. I was up pretty late last night and was fairly sleepy when my Amazon Echo alarm went off to praise and worship music at 5:15 a.m., but regardless of how sleepy I was, I was going to still pray. And OH MY GOODNESS, what a mighty prayer it was.

When I first started praying, I felt the heaviness of sleep on me and I kept praying for the Lord to use me. So I kept praying and then I felt this surge of power and God said don’t be indecisive, push through. Now I don’t think God was talking about being indecisive about praying, but He was moreso saying, make up your mind to PUSH THROUGH. I did just that!

When I made up my mind to push through, I felt this surge, and God said BE BOLD, but in orderly fashion. Get louder. I felt my prayers getting louder and I felt the power continuing to grow within me. Today God talked to me in movie and TV show metaphors. Check out our conversation from this morning. And remember, I am just going to document it, how He gave it to me. I pray that something said will resonate with you!

Watch how Holy Spirit works:

  • Don’t be indecisive and push through.

  • Be bold and keep order. Get louder.

  • You’re just now recognizing that you are wired? You been wired for this. Say I am wired for this. Me: “I am wired for this!” It’s only new to you Fon…not ME. Allow me to reintroduce yourself to you.

  • It’s already in you. It’s already there. You don’t have to GET IT, because you already GOT IT.

  • You will help those that don’t know their wiring. You will help them get to know how I, The Creator, wired them.

    As I was praying, Holy Spirit brought the movie, The Last Dragon to mind. At the end of this movie, one of the characters Leroy fights nemesis character, Sho Nuff. It looks like Sho Nuff who is dressed in red and asking Leroy, who is the master, is going to win the battle, but as ShoNuff continues to punch and kick Leroy with static power (he glows in red when he punches, smh), Leroy starts remembering his training and WHO he really is. When under the most pressure possible, ShoNuff holds Leory’s head under the water and then asks him one last time: WHO IS THE MASTER? Leroy, in slow motion, emerges from the water and glows in gold and says, I AM. I believe God brought this to mind because Leroy didn’t realize what he needed to win the battle was already in him. He was wired to be the master and once he realized it, he beat up ShoNuff.

  • God said, Everything that you need, I put it in you when I created you. It’s been there. That’s why it comes easy to you. Just like Leroy in the movie, it’s already in you and you don’t have to go looking for it.

  • If it’s not in you, I didn’t intend for it to be. Stop trying to jailbreak yourself like an unauthorized iPhone or Firestick, to perform outside of what I created and manufactured. When you operate that way, it’s illegal and you will get caught by me.

  • Remember whatever you get lost in doing is what I wired you to do (of course, if that thing is not something i don’t disagree with.

  • When people say you like to takeover, remember that I wired you that way. Don’t back down from MY WIRING.

So Holy Spirit kept giving me the words Wire and Wiring. Well guess what? I loved The Wire on HBO. Full transparency, I didn’t watch it while it was still on HBO, I binged the show several years ago and have since binged it again. It is one fo the best written shows of all time because it’s SO REAL! The show was all about them tapping into what was really going on in drug-infested Baltimore, Maryland.

Here’s what God said in Wire terminology!

  • Being wired means you get to BE the real you, but know that God is always listening.

  • The show, The Wire is all about listening. Are you listening to God?

  • Listen to the Wire Tap of your life to find out what is really going on.

  • God can use anything and everything to get your attention.

  • It’s no coincidence that I keep showing you glimpses and previews.

  • Get to the movies of your life early, so you can see the previews of what’s to come because I want you to get excited and start prepping now!!!

  • Remember when you go to the movies, the movie is already finished when you see the preview. Some previews show movies coming in months, but there are some BIG movies/moves I have coming soon in your life without a date, just trust me…they are going to be EPIC.

  • It’s okay to take notes because I need you to not let the spirit of forgetfulness make you miss something that was meant for you to re-read later. Write it down. The enemy wants you to forget, but we will do everything to NOT FORGET!

  • The devil making you think he stole some things from you but he can’t take what’s in you. He will try to cover it up so you can forget and miss it.

  • The enemy will try to bury you and your gift but it’s a shallow grave. It’s right beneath the surface and all you have to do is dig your heels in a little bit, because he could NEVER really bury you. He tried to funeralize you and your mission, but Jesus already conquered the grave, so dust yourself off and get up. You and your gift are still alive and satan can’t kill nothing that Jesus already died for and rose again with all power in HIS hands. Jesus already did the grave thing for us and got up. You fell in a hole, but it wasn’t a grave.

  • The enemy will try to make you not do what you were specifically wired to do. It’s like when your phone freezes up or shuts off for no reason. But the good news is, God can replace, restore, and even upgrade an old operating system to a new one with the same phone number! You didn’t lose anything, because it’s all in the cloud. But if you did lose anything, it was time for it to go anyway. Something has to die in order for fruit to appear.

  • Think about your life. I have plenty of content for you to write about. We will do it together, one day at a time.

  • Get familiar with your wires. Find your breaker box, so when you break or feel like you’re about to break, the hand of God through YOU can flick your life back on.

  • God said my family needs to get our mind set on what’s next, not what is. Focus in on where we are going. Next facility is the best facility.

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