Submit and Surrender

Submit and Surrender

“Submit to God, and you will have peace; then things will go well for you.” Job 22:21


Welpt to be fair, this is a blog post redo. I made a boo boo and copied April 2nd’s blog on April 1st’s blog. SMH. Either way, this is me trying to recreate yesterday’s blog from my notes. Needless to say, it won’t be the same, but God is the best editor ever! Let’s go with the new version of yesterday.

  • Stop getting caught up in everything going on in the world and focus on me.

  • Answer the calling I have on your life.

  • Submit and Surrender.

  • Write down your story. I will help you remember all the parts that I want you to write.

  • Follow my lead.

  • If things start out wrong, and you know they are wrong, you can’t pray for me to make them right. They are just wrong because it goes against God’s laws. No prayer to make it right will be honored or answered because you are praying for me to answer something I never ordained in the first place. Don’t bother praying for something that I have already made clear in my Word. Read the Word so you can know what is established as law. Then you won’t be praying so hard for nothing.

  • Every idea you have had and didn’t do anything with… write it down. Make a list.

  • We can spend time together beyond the morning time.

Now that I have retyped this from yesterday and kept it simple with limited commentary, I believe I have captured only what God wanted me to capture. Thank you for deletions, rewrites, and saves. Thank you for saving me God.

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