Through Christ, I CAN

“For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:13 NLT


This morning I woke up feeling super rested. It was an awsome feeling. I got up at 5 and didn’t try to get me those last few minutes of sleep before prayer time. Can you say growth? I also followed all of yesterday’s instructions from God. Now of course I think that had a lot to do with my resting well last night. But let’s see again tonight as I complete my assignments given by God. This morning the Holy Sprit gave me three things:

  • The Manual of Me. This title just popped out in prayer. God said I will help you get to know everything about yourself. All the parts, functionality, and even the advanced functions. The Holy Spirit said I will even give you tips. In my conversation about getting to know me, I even mentioned hacking. My original writing shows where I thought about a life hack, where you use things outside of their intended use or use things in other capacities. Then I wrote: But help me focus on the Creator’s Instruction first. I don’t want to be hacked by the enemy. Everything God created me to do won’t require a hack spirit, it will require The Holy Spirit.

  • Stretch. Get Uncomfortable and watch my power sustain you as you push further than you have ever gone.

  • Fast for 3 days and finish writing your book in those 3 days. There were those numbers again. 33. God said, I want to show you how good you really are. You will only know your true strength when I test it.

  • Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

The Holy Sprit encouraged me and instructed me. The encouragement: You are strong Fon (my maiden name is Strong). Now let me prove it to you. Folly my instructions specifically. Then Holy Spirit said no social media for the next 3 days.

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