Don't Give Up

Don’t Give Up

“For just as the heavens are higher than earth, so my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:9 NLT.


It’s still morning time and I am writing this post. Yup, I decided to get it done right after prayer time. I like this feeling of getting my assignments done early. Hmmm. Today, I prayed and heard this:

  • Don’t give up. You are strong.

  • Just like Esther in the Bible, you will find favor with the King of Kings

  • Single Women: The desires of your heart are found in God. You don’t need a man to do anything. All you need is The Holy Spirit on the inside of you.

  • Be confident that I will give you what you need EXACTLY when you need it!

  • You will continue to get better. Don’t quit because you are not where you think you should be. I have you right where I want you to be. Follow my instructions and don’t get ahead of me. My ways are not your ways. Trust me.

  • Trust me and stay in balance. Do the money tracking daily. Don’t try to use trusting me as an excuse to not to do it. DO IT!

As I finished my prayer time, I grabbed my phone to check in with my prayer group, but guess who had sent me another message to make sure I got it about the money tracking? The Holy Spirit. I had to take a screenshot so you can see how God will send you messages at the EXACT time you need them to make sure you heard Him. That means I got to track my money right now. God has been on me about this and I kept thinking well I trust God with my money and I am spending it how He said spend it, but He also told me to login and update my budget daily and I have not been obedient in that. So let me go and get that done right now. Be blessed and be obedient!

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