

“As Goliath moved closer to attack, David quickly ran out to meet him. Reaching into his shepherd’s bag and taking out a stone, he hurled it with his sling and hit the Philistine in the forehead. The stone sank in, and Goliath stumbled and fell face down on the ground.” 1 Samuel 17: 48-49


When you ask God to give you a word, He will do it. This morning I got up to pray. I prayed from about 5:17 a.m. to about 6:05 am. I only know this because I have alarms set to rise, and alarms set for my kids to rise. Today in my prayer time, I asked God to speak to me. I was praying in the Spirit and you know when you pray in unknown tongues, you can ask God to interpret what you’re saying. He will! So today as I was praying, I said Holy Spirit, speak to me. Give me a word. The word He gave was momentum. Now I’m pretty smart so I know what it means to have momentum, but I needed the Holy Spirit to tell me what that word meant FOR ME. But before I get to that shift in my prayers, because it was most certainly a shift of momentum when He gave me that word, this is what else I got today:

  • Our relationship (you and God) is the most important relationship. Every other relationship comes after ours. Get right with ME first.

  • Not a lot I want you to be working on, just one thing. I am THE CONNECT. Work on me and I will connect you to everything else.

  • Get UP! I have more for you!

  • Get moving!

  • Momentum. Get into momentum. Don’t slow down. Look up momentum.

Now as I was praying, the Holy Spirit told me to go look up momentum. I left out of my closet space and went to grab my phone so that I could look up the word. Again, I know what it is, but I was wanting to see what the Holy Spirit wanted me to see as it relates to momentum.

Google Results

Google Results

When I first Googled it, I saw this definition and then I saw 3 dimensional space (of course when I see any number 3’s, I pay attention. Then I read, something that has a large mass has a large momentum. I kept scrolling. I knew it was something else. I was like…nah, that’s not it. Then as He always does…The Holy Spirit navigated me to this website called Enliven Publishing! And that’s where I saw what the Holy Spirit wanted me to see.

Here’s what I read:

That which I add my weight to will have unstoppable momentum!

“It is time for an encounter with My presence. And when the weight of my glory collides with your preparation and your obedience, you are going to experience unstoppable momentum.

Just drag my fainted body off to the side because I was like OMG (OH MY GOD). Of all the stuff on the Internet, this what I got led to. I’m telling you, when you allow the Holy Spirit to lead you, HE WILL! I was like wow wow wow! I had read the definition of momentum, but those lines right there gave me so much life. And then notice now, notice that it is in quotations! It was the Holy Spirit talking DIRECTLY TO ME!!! I wish there was a SHOUTING emoji on this blog, but right now…straight shouting. You hear me? Straight Up SHOUTING!

But wait, remember I said above that the Holy Spirit said Get up, I have more for you, right? So I kept reading. I kept the momentum of the moment going, and then I saw Divine Acceleration! Y’all when I say I almost dropped the phone. I just began to praise God because those two words just took my breath away. I was like JESUS JESUS JESUS JESUS. Then I noticed that Divine Acceleration had a line under it. Can you imagine MORE? Well catch the vision!!! I clicked on DIVINE ACCELERATION and it went to another page on the website with the header: DIVINE ACCELERATION: GOD WILL MAKE UP FOR LOST TIME!

Okay you can run…. NOW!!! Because I’m running in place as I type this!! Glory to God! Whew yall! I am just in AWE of the Holy Spirit! The blog post was so rich and full of even MORE wisdom from God. I don’t want to keep it to myself (since I am sharing everything else anyway…lol). Go and read this awesomeness now and get your Divine Acceleration today!

Before I go, I want to make sure I connect the bible verse with this. In 1 Samuel 17: 48-49, David defeated Goliath. The verse says David quickly ran out to meet him. He was prepared with his sling shot and his 5 smooth stones. He took out ONE STONE and hurled it or slung it at the giant Goliath. The momentum He had behind that one shot hit Goliath dead in the forehead and caused him to fall. God added His weight and David had unstoppable momentum! David encountered a Divine Acceleration after defeating Goliath too. Get your Bibles out and read all about it.

Whew, I am still basking in the awesomeness of the Holy Spirit’s navigation of everything just THIS MORNING! Have you prayed and invited the Holy Spirit in to navigate your day today? Do it right now, and watch how fast things change in your life!

Word from God

Word from God