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Marriage Wisdom


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Marriage Wisdom Fon Strong James

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I wish I had had the relationship I have now with Jesus when I got married. It would have most likely had a different outcome or actually the marriage may have never happened! But it did happen. And the lack of knowledge that Hosea 4:6 talks about proved indeed to lead to destruction. But thank God for Jesus!

If you have been listening to the podcast, reading the blog, read my book Permission Slips or you actually know me personally, then you know a portion of my story. I got married at the tender age of 25 and was divorced by the more hardened age of 38. What happened? Lack of knowledge. What happened? Lack of obedience to God’s Word. What happened? Proverbs 5:13-14 happened:

I didn’t obey my teachers or listen closely to my instructors. I am on the verge of complete ruin before the entire community. Proverbs 5:13-14 CSB

Yeah, of course I am leaving out tons of details, but the point is this. We didn’t do marriage God’s way. Truth be told, we didn’t do dating God’s way either, which led to a continuous crooked path that ended at a dead end street called divorce.

As I was studying the 5th chapter of Proverbs this morning, the Holy Spirit reminded me that there are consequences to violating God’s instructions. Sin has consequences…in case you too needed a reminder. Now I knew this when I was deep in sin while simultaneously devoted to church attendance, but it still didn’t stop me, nor was I even remotely knowledgeable about how my actions would ultimately effect my life.

Proverbs 5 is wisdom for the married folks, but it is also wisdom for the single folks too. Here Solomon is warning his sons not to commit adultery. He tells them to pay attention to his wisdom and listen closely to his understanding. This made me think about the fact that some of our lack of knowledge can be traced back to generations before us, where the family unit God designed started falling apart because of sin. And what results from that is generational curses of divorce or kids growing up without FATHERLY wisdom. What if you’re dating someone or married to someone who didn’t grow up with fatherly wisdom? That lack of knowledge could lead to destruction and it didn’t even start with you. But the part that needs to be pointed out is that it can end with you, if you get this wisdom today!

Solomon basically was saying, hey son, don’t cheat or you will regret it. Don’t let a forbidden woman (or for the ladies, a forbidden man) get you “entangled” up in sin with their smooth words or their smooth lips! Come on Proverbs 5! You better break it down Solomon!! He says in verse 4, IN THE END, this forbidden person will take you down a dead end road toward death. And it could be a physical death or it could be a legal death called divorce!!! He told his sons, don’t even go to the woman’s neighborhood. Don’t go near her he says in verse 8. But if you do get caught up and be seduced, you gone get got! Let’s read it together in the New Living Translation!

9 If you do, you will lose your honor
    and will lose to merciless people all you have achieved.
10 Strangers will consume your wealth,
    and someone else will enjoy the fruit of your labor.
11 In the end you will groan in anguish
    when disease consumes your body. Proverbs 5:9-11 NLT

Okay! It’s just like I said, you gone get got! Solomon doesn’t end there though. He encourages his sons to enjoy their OWN spouse and not some other outside person. He said take pleasure in the wife of your youth. Let her breasts always satisfy you; be lost in her love forever! I bet y’all didn’t even know the Bible was serving it up like that did you? Well let me put you up on game. God invented sex! Not R&B singer Trey Songz. And Dr. Evans points out in the study notes that under the covering of God’s covenant of marriage, sex is a GOOD GIFT of God intended to be enjoyed! Go read Song of Songs…it’s quite saucy!!! LOL!

And speaking of saucy, the message translation had my eyes bucked when I read verse 20:

What would you trade enduring intimacies for cheap thrills with a whore? Proverbs 5:20 MSG Translation.

You already know the message translation is straight no chaser! But this is exactly the way some of us need to hear it! Verse 21 goes on to say, God sees you and knows your every move. The Passion Translation says it this way:

For God sees everything you do and his eyes are wide open as he observes every single habit you have. Proverbs 5:21

But wait, he is not seeing it from way up there far off into the sky. For us believers, us Christians, He is experiencing every habit WITH YOU because the Holy Spirit lives on the inside of you. I’m telling you. When I learned this, it changed my whole mindset about sex outside of marriage! See you can push God out of your mind when you think he way up there somewhere looking down on you, but ohhhh when you acknowledge that He is lives on the inside of you, that sin ain’t so “temporarily pleasurable” no more is it? You panting and Holy Spirit is grieved!!! Let that settle in! I hope this is helping somebody, because it might not be YOU, but you may need to explain it to someone that you know needs to hear it THIS WAY! I wish I had heard it this way myself!

Sin can rob you of your destiny. The enemy is coming to steal, kill, and destroy everything God created. So if God created sex for the container of marriage, guess who coming for it? The enemy! How will get you? By making you think you can have sex with no consequences. By making you think purity is not even doable after you have had sex. By making you think you can’t live without it. By making you think you can’t wait until marriage. He will have you mind all twisted. Why? Because if the enemy can keep you thinking outside of the Will of God, he can eventually destroy you and your destiny! That’s the enemy’s goal. The enemy doesn’t want you to reach your destiny!!! Why? Because God created YOU FOR A PURPOSE! God assigned you to pray, but you too busy panting in pleasure, and off of your post for the Kingdom!

Solomon says in Proverbs 5, avoid seduction, temptation, adultery, fornication, because it leads to death! Don’t let sin rob you of your destiny.

As I was writing this morning and thinking about mistakes I have made, knowing they have been washed by the blood of Jesus, I couldn’t help but to think how much further along I would be IF I hadn’t done some things. And the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said: It’s true, you could have been further along, but your sin opened the door to the thief who tried to rob you of the destiny I put on your life. BUT!! When you repented and turned away from sin, your surrender to ME opened the door for redemption and full restoration!!!


Thank you JESUS!!!!

Yes I have a past, but I have been forgiven and Jeremiah 29:11 says: I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future.

I trust the Lord and know that He will continue to get the GLORY for my redemption story!!! Amen!

Grab your copy of MY FAVORITE BIBLE (the purple Tony Evans Study Bible here) or if you prefer the hardcover Tony Evans Study Bible grab it here! (Please note these links are Amazon Affiliate Links and when you purchase OABG will get a portion of the proceeds to help fund our efforts).

P..S. Be sure to press play above or listen on the Anchor app to each episode as I always go deeper on audio and do me a favor and check out the podcast on the Anchor app so that you can leave me a message!! I would love to hear from you!


  1. What did the Lord God say to you in your conversation with Him this morning?

  2. Repent for all the sins you have made and turn away from them for good.

  3. Share this post and this message with someone who needs to hear it.

    REMINDER: Don’t forget to read the Scriptural Bible Study below and see what the Lord says to you about it.


If you’re not a believer and have a desire to be, openly confess and declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer out loud, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community and start having a conversation through prayer with God every day. And let me be the first to welcome you to your new life with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. YAAAAY!!!!! You made the best decision you could ever make! Feel free to email me at info@onassignmentbyGod.com and let me know about your newfound life or if you need prayer for anything.

Check out today’s Scriptural Bible Study!!

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