Don't Be Lazy or Foolish...Be Wise!


Welcome to the OABG Daily Blog and Podcast!

Y’all I had the best sleep last night! It was good because I went to sleep right after watching one of the most profound messages I have ever heard. The message was delivered in 1991 at the Azusa Conference in Tulsa, OK. The message was given my none other than Dr. Myles Munroe. This is a man that God has used to speak to me numerous times. I binged-watched so much of his content last year on YouTube that it changed my life.

Okay, so anyway, my routine at night includes TV. I either drift off to the sleep with scriptures being read or listening to a sermon. Most times it’s scriptures, and thank God it’s not a TV show or movie. I have realized that you have to be careful what you hear even as you go to sleep. You ever dreamed about something you had been watching? Exactly! If you watching killing and all kinds of other crazy stuff, it gets into your dreams and causes blockage and distractions from you hearing from God in your dreams. So pay attention to that.

Okay, so back to the video. Now I tagged the message and you will probably be like, girl this recording is glitchy. Yeah, I said it’s from 1991! So you know it’s not gonna be HD quality, but it is though. It’s HIGH DEFINITION quality in a different sense because Dr. Munroe gives you the MOST HIGH’s definition of purpose! Y’all go check it out. It opened the flood gates of my thoughts and aspirations and got my ideas flowing like a rushing river!

Now, let’s jump into our Scriptural Bible Study for today. We are in Proverbs 6. And here’s what I learned from studying this chapter:

  • Don’t co-sign for nobody because you could trap yourself into their financial obligations.

  • God’s people cannot be lazy.

  • Being foolish has consequences.

  • There are 7 things the Lord hates:

    • Pride/arrogant eyes

    • A lying tongue

    • Hands that shed innocent blood

    • A heart (mind) that devises or thinks up wicked schemes.

    • Feet that are quick to run to evil

    • A false witness who utters lies

    • A person who stirs up conflict in the community

  • Pride is the sin that led Satan to rebel against God and set up a rival kingdom.

  • Pride is thinking too highly of yourself, and when you do that, it leads to the other six things God hates.

  • Don’t commit adultery.

  • Don’t lust in your heart (mind) for a woman’s beauty or let her captivate you with her eyelashes.

In this one chapter, we learned ALL THAT! From finances, to laziness, to things God hates, to adultery, we learned how to be wise in our daily lives in all these areas. And we even learned ladies not to be trying to captivate a man with our eyelashes!! Interesting how big eyelashes are a thing now huh? Don’t miss the subtlety of the enemy.

What’s been interesting to me lately is how God has been showing me how the enemy got me at certain points in my life. It’s like I have been playing a game of connect the dots. Y’all remember that game. You take the numbers and connect them in sequential order. It’s easy when you first start. That’s what God revealed to me. Some dots are easy to connect. For instance, if you steal, and you get caught, you can go to jail. Easy to connect the dots. But what about a ponzi scheme type of stealing? Or like on the TV shows where you’re trying to connect the dots and figure out how they stole all the money right from up under someone’s nose. It’s not so easy to connect the dots then.

See the pictures below. The first one is easy. It’s a fish. But I have no idea what the 2nd picture is. I just copied it from Google images. The point is that it’s not always so easy to connect to the dots and see the bigger picture, but God sees all! He knows all! All the dots are already connected for God. And as we continue to read the book of Proverbs, we will get wiser. In Proverbs 6:23 it says: For a command is a lamp, teaching is a light, and corrective discipline is the way to life. When we follow God’s commands and His teachings, we can easily connect the dots and see the fish! LOL!

fish connect the dots game.png

Grab your copy of MY FAVORITE BIBLE (the purple Tony Evans Study Bible here) or if you prefer the hardcover Tony Evans Study Bible grab it here! (Please note these links are Amazon Affiliate Links and when you purchase OABG will get a portion of the proceeds to help fund our efforts).

P..S. Be sure to press play above or listen on the Anchor app to each episode as I always go deeper on audio and do me a favor and check out the podcast on the Anchor app so that you can leave me a message!! I would love to hear from you!


  1. What did the Lord God say to you in your conversation with Him this morning?

  2. Of the 7 things God hates, are you doing any of them? If so, stop today and repent!

  3. Share this post and this message with someone who needs to hear it.

    REMINDER: Don’t forget to read the Scriptural Bible Study below and see what the Lord says to you about it.


If you’re not a believer and have a desire to be, openly confess and declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer out loud, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community and start having a conversation through prayer with God every day. And let me be the first to welcome you to your new life with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. YAAAAY!!!!! You made the best decision you could ever make! Feel free to email me at and let me know about your newfound life or if you need prayer for anything.

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Bible Study

Check out what book of the bible we are studying and grab your Bible to join us!

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