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Navigating the New!


My Daily Conversations With God

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Navigating the New Fon Strong James

The Lord has been waking me up in the 4:00 a.m. hour lately.

Of course, I would look at the time and say, oh, I got 30 more minutes of sleep or 15 more minutes of sleep, or a whole 50 more minutes of sleep. But he kept on doing it. Now if He had done it before 4 a.m., I would have instantly thought, oh He wants me to get up and talk to Him, but for some reason, I would look at how close it was to 5 a.m. and make the determination on my own that I had a few more minutes to sleep.

Not this morning. I woke up with a cough that I couldn’t clear. That was God. It was like He had been saying, I BEEN trying to get you up at this time so I can talk to you and you keep thinking I am waking you up to tell you how much time you got left before you wake up.

Y’all, it was really like a DUH FON moment. But I got on up this morning because of the cough, which didn’t clear up right away. I grabbed my phone because I had been dreaming about this same thing as well. So I started capturing the dream as I was headed to the sink due to the coughing. Interestingly enough, I kept having to MOVE from the prayer closet back to the sink, but never back to the bed. During this early time, the Holy Spirit wanted to tell me some things and ask me one question: Do you not see it?

This whole time, the Holy Spirit has been trying to get me up to ask me: Do you not see it?

I began to capture in my notes app what I was hearing Him say. And here it is straight copied and pasted from my notes.


I am doing something new. Do you not see it?

Don’t expect new things with old tactics. 

What I am doing is so new that is requires you to be in tune with me. You’ve never even heard or seen of these things. It’s new and that’s why you’re uncomfortable. But I was with you in the old and I am with you in the new. It’s new. I got to show you around. You can’t show yourself around. You have never been here before. It’s new. You need me to guide you in this new unknown place. Be ye not afraid of the new.. I’m with you. 

I’m the only one you know here. So keep your eyes on Me. I will guide you through it. I will help you navigate the new. 

Don’t think you know what I am doing, because it’s new. 

Define new - look it up. 

Define perceive- look it up 

Never seen before

Never done before

Never experienced before


Follow the new path 

It’s uncharted territory but I have already gone before you and I am with you even as you travel through it. 


That’s a straight capture from my notes. Here are the screen shots of the note and me looking up the words NEW and PERCEIVE. Also as He was telling me all of this, I KNEW there was scripture to back it up. And I KNEW He wanted me to SEE IT because there was something I had been missing. Why else would He consistently wake me up in the 4 a.m. hour? He wanted to ask me the question DO YOU NOT SEE IT?

Here is the scripture to back up what I heard from the Holy Spirit this morning!

See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. Isaiah 43:19

I am creating something new. There it is! Do you see it? I have put roads in deserts, streams in thirsty lands. Isaiah 43:19 CEV

For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland. Isaiah 43:19 NLT

The Lord had me dreaming about this and woke me up to ask me, DO YOU NOT SEE THE NEW THING I AM DOING?

See if you read yesterday’s blog, He was reminding me to trust Him. But I believe He has been trying to SHOW me this NEW THING each time he awakened me in the 4 a.m. hour. If I hadn’t gotten up to get the message that He was only giving me in the 4 a.m. hour, then He wouldn’t have had to tell me in the 5 a.m. hour to TRUST HIM because SEEING IS BELIEVING and there have been some things that I have been trying to force SEE, and He said this morning, you can’t show yourself around. I AM DOING SOMETHING COMPLETELY NEW and the only way you will see it is through ME! Hallelujah! Y’all I’m getting excited over here!!!

Has the Lord been waking you up early to show you something or tell you something? I encourage you this morning to get up when He wakes you up. Don’t moan or groan or look at the time to see if it’s YOUR TIME to get up. God’s timing is always perfect for you to get up. Why? Because He wants to have a conversation with you THEN, not later. Don’t miss what He is saying in the hour He wants to say it.

The Lord wanted me to get up BEFORE my normal prayer time so that He can SHOW me the NEW TIME where He wants to have a conversation with me! WOW! WOW! WOW!

And the Lord will use a cough, a full bladder, a noise, or whatever He chooses to get your attention.

He said I am doing something new. And you’re too stuck in your routine to PERCEIVE it (recognize it).

What’s interesting is that me and a few of my sister friends had this very conversation last night on a Zoom call. Basically give up your routine and be flexible to the shifting of the Holy Spirit. And here I was thinking that I was doing that because I would pray more throughout the day and even at night. And like I said, I think I would have recognized it more (MY OLD WAY OF THINKING) if it had been in the 3 a.m. hour. But the Lord is saying…I AM DOING SOMETHING NEW! DO YOU NOT SEE IT!


P.S. Be sure to press play above & listen to each episode as I always go deeper on the audio version.


  1. What did the Lord God say to you in your conversation with Him this morning?

  2. What new thing is the Lord trying to get YOU to SEE?

    REMINDER: Don’t forget to read the Scriptural Surprise below and see what the Lord says to you about it.

Check out today’s Scriptural Surprise!

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