Reminder: Trust God


My Daily Conversations With God

It is a brand new month and I am feeling extremely blessed to be able to do the work of the Lord!

This morning I got a nice full download from the Holy Spirit. I flipped open my Bible randomly to the very beginning of Isaiah. I read the introduction about the book of Isaiah and one thing that stood out to me was this: Adjust the way you live so that you can live according to God’s righteous standards.

When I read that, I realized that God gives us so many opportunities to get it right. The Bible is full of instances where God just wanted us to repent and turn from our wicked ways. At the end of my prayer time, I heard the Holy Spirit tell me so clearly that He waited a long time for me to get and I should not be discouraged when it’s taking others longer to get it. He said, “Just keep praying for them.”

Sometimes I try to help God when He hasn’t instructed me to. Sometimes I try to wield my way or force things to happen sooner by putting my hands on it. And it’s not like I do any of this with ill-intents. On the contrary actually. I do it because God has shown me visions of what’s to come. But what I learned while reading Isaiah this morning is that Isaiah was a prophet who who wrote of things that were relatively near but also of things further away. Isaiah faithfully recorded what the Holy Spirit inspired Him to write.

God is teaching me so much during this season because I have been notorious in my life for being impatient. I have always wanted things to happen when I wanted them to happen. You feel me? I be ready for it to happen right then, but God knows when everything should happen because He knows every single detail, and I could be prodding things to move faster than His will. And I definitely don’t want to find myself ahead of God. That’s not a good position to be in.

The Holy Spirit said to me, “Nothing has changed about what I said. It’s just not time yet. But it IS coming soon.”

What’s interesting is that I am technically writing this blog backwards of how He gave it to me. Because it’s actually giving me even more clarity! How amazing is that! But you know what? I always read books, magazines, backwards. Why? Because of impatience. So the Lord is showing me that He can take an area that He is currently working on and use it to show me things. When I read what He says to me from the end to the beginning, I get new revelation. WOW!

As I was praying and talking to Holy Spirit, He told me that the reason I keep coming back to the same spot or hearing the same thing is because I am having to repeat the lesson. He said, “hands off, just be obedient Fon.”

Have you ever had to repeat a lesson? See you can get real uppity when you start praying every day thinking that all the stuff you used to do, you don’t do any more. Well there are some things, like losing control, that I am still certainly a work-in-progress. And that’s why Holy Spirit said: lose control and let me handle it ALL. Take your hands completely off of it.

We can make all kinds of lists and timelines of when we think the things that God has told us or shown us will happen, but we don’t know how God will do it. We just have to be STILL and know that He is God. And when He needs our hands and feet, He will tell us. Then (and only then) we are to obey those specific instructions. Being led by the Holy Spirit means letting Him actually lead. LOL! If I am out here saying I am led by the Holy Spirit but then trying to force things to happen, I’m not really allowing Holy Spirit to lead me, now am I. So Lord I repent for that right now.

Correction wasn’t the only part of our conversation this morning.

The Holy Spirit reassured me that He will always give me enough. He said, “I will always give you enough for you and more for leftovers and even more to share with others. It’s not just going to be enough, it’s going to be more than enough. I AM a multiplier. I AM the God of more than enough, so if it seems like barely enough, that means you are to wait for My wind to blow on it. I am teaching you patience. I want you to trust Me even more. Every time you think that’s it, that’s not all. I have more for you. Keep being obedient and praying for those I specifically lay on your heart. I have so much more for you!”

Let us be encouraged on this first day of June 2020 to trust God more than ever before!!

And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others. 2 Corinthians 9:8 NLT


P.S. Be sure to press play above & listen to each episode as I always go deeper on the audio version.


  1. What did the Lord God say to you in your conversation with Him this morning?

  2. What do you need to take your hands off that God has already told you to let go of?

    REMINDER: Don’t forget to read the Scriptural Surprise below and see what the Lord says to you about it.

Check out today’s Scriptural Surprise!

Check out today’s Scriptural Surprise!

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My Conversations With God EBook - Volume One

My Conversations With God - Volume One is an e-book compilation of blogs written by Fon Strong James. This e-book allows you to have a collection of 24 blogs from the early days all in one place. It is the hope that you as the reader will be encouraged, inspired, and even prompted by the Holy Spirit. Dive into the this e-book to see the very beginning of this writing assignment given to the author by God, when He told her one morning during her prayer time to… “share our conversations.”

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