Obedience + Unfair Circumstances = Part of God's Bigger Plan


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Y’all today I got the overflow. Holy Spirit was on a roll and my fingers were moving super fast as I wrote down what he said to me about serving Him, how to do business, and why worrying hinders him from moving. Let’s jump straight into it!

The first thing I heard the Holy Spirit tell me as I was getting dressed was: Keep serving Me, SIMPLE. Don’t overcomplicate it. Y’all that was encouragement for me because I still be low-key trying to check off some of these habitual prayer lifestyle boxes to ensure I do things the way I did them before. But God wanted me to stop overcomplicating it and keep it simple. And when I thought more on it, I was like…yeah, I do be making this way more complicated than it is sometimes, especially when I learn new things. But he’s saying, don’t let the new things overcomplicate things. It’s simple: Pray, Listen, Write. Obey.

As I continued to listen, I was flipping my Bible open for the Bible Study and before I got there I landed in Matthew on page that had a Q&A. But what I got from what I read that I know I was meant to get TODAY was: don’t let whatever or whomever you’re worried about become an idol or a little g god, because when you worry, you are hindering the true God from meeting the need that is causing you to worry.

That was for me and for you…right? I already know that gave one listener if not more…some relief. Because you been worrying or being like me, overcomplicating things and all we are doing is hindering God when we do that. So let’s agree to stop. Okay?

Alright so then the Holy Spirit gave me specific directions for my business. I won’t go into all of it because it was specific for me, but one thing I will share is that he said to build my team and to remember that I had already walked out this model before when I was working for someone else.

Did y’all catch that. He said, I already know what to do because I have done it before with someone else’s business!!!! God don’t waste no experiences from your life. I’m over here trying to figure out what to do, and he said, you already did it before. And catch this, He also told me to REMEMBER THAT HE SAID THIS BEFORE!! He did yall! Back in October 2019, I have it written in my journal!! Sometimes we just needed to be reminded of what HE ALREADY SAID! Pray. Listen. Write. Obey. (clearly these instructions are simple and uncomplicated).


Okay now to Scriptural Bible Study! Acts 24!

First of all, I have to admit. I wrote down so much for today’s Bible Study and I wish I could just take a pic of my journal or do an audio only, but I know I got some real readers of the blog, so I won’t do that to you. So here we go!

We are in Acts 24 and Paul had been accused by the Jews and we left off yesterday with the commander sending Paul to Governor Felix to get him away from the mob that wanted to kill him. Okay you’re caught up. Now Paul is basically in protective custody at the palace and it took the accusers 5 days to get to Paul. And guess who they decided to bring with them? A lawyer. Yeah, they went and found a one-call-that’s-all lawyer named Tertullus and he presented their case to the governor. Now before they presented their case against Paul, they had to puff up the head of the governor with all kinds of compliments and accolades talking about all the great things he had done. In my mind as I was reading it, I was like…whatever Tertullus. Y’all just gassing the governor up (that’s what the young people say…lol).

So after they did they little bit with the governor, they started accusing Paul. They were name-calling big time too. They said Paul was a plague, an agitator and the ringer leader of the Nazarene gang. Okay they said sect of the Nazarenes, but we know that they were referring to the fact that Jesus grew up in Nazareth. I can see Paul looking at them like, no doubt I rep J.C. I will rep Jesus Christ till the day I die cuz! All day, er’day! You heard me. That’s my rendition. LOL!

Now after all the name calling, then they straight lied on Paul. They said he desecrated the temple! I know Paul wanted to holler like he had done at the other court. He probably was like, I object Governor! They just telling a bold face lie now! I was letting them name-call and I held back and didn’t call them a whitewashed wall, but this little lawyer here done went too far. But Paul didn’t do none of that. I may have, but Paul didn’t. Maybe I wouldn’t have either, but clearly for me to write that here on the blog, I felt some kind of way. But I love how Paul had shifted from hollering, “you whitewashed wall” to “I am glad to offer my defense in what concerns me. So Paul goes on to defend himself and the verse where he let them know for real for real was verses 14-16:

14 However, I admit that I worship the God of our ancestors as a follower of the Way, which they call a sect. I believe everything that is in accordance with the Law and that is written in the Prophets, 15 and I have the same hope in God as these men themselves have, that there will be a resurrection of both the righteous and the wicked. 16 So I strive always to keep my conscience clear before God and man. Acts 24:14-16

Basically Paul was like, I worship God. I believe everything in His Word. I have hope in God and accept and believe that there will be a resurrection both of the righteous and the unrighteous. I always strive to have a clear conscience toward God and man. Paul said I brought charitable gifts and offerings to my people. Why would I do that if I despised them?

Then Paul kept on going. I can imagine the face of the lawyer man looking like he had just got punched in the mouth. Paul said and furthermore, I’d like to point out that the men who seized me in the temple and accused me of wrongdoing are not even here!! They sent this old slick lawyer and some folks who truth be told, don’t even know what they are mad at me for. None of them can say what I have done wrong.

Now y’all know this my version but if you studying with me, you read the same thing (my translation slightly different but still the same).

After Paul represented Jesus and said what he said, Governor Felix ended up postponing the verdict. We don’t read no where in this chapter where Paul got mad and started turned over tables. LOL! But we do read that Gov. Felix knew about The Way, that Paul was referencing which was what Christianity was called back then. So Gov. Felix decides to put off making a decision until the commander who sent Paul to him, came down.

Okay now let’s get to the real slim shady of Acts 24. So a few days later, Paul is still in prison, but they were treating him like we treat prison trustees. He could move around more freely than total lockdown. A few days pass and Gov. Felix along with his wife Drusilla (not the one from Young and the Restless), sent for Paul because he wanted to talk to Paul about faith in Christ Jesus. He wanted to have a conversation .

We know Paul loved having these types of conversations and Paul got to preaching (in my mind he did), and Gov. Felix got to squirming. Paul got to talking about righteousness , self-control, and the judgement to come and the governor got scared and told him, “Alright, that’s enough. You can go now. I’ll call you later.” Don’t we be be like that when someone be getting all up in our business and we don’t want to hear the truth. We rush to get off the phone with them or avoid talking to them. I know I have done that before. LOL!

But here goes the part y’all that got me!! It’s in verse 26. Gov. Felix wanted Paul to offer him MONEY!! So he would send for Paul often to have conversations with him in hopes that Paul would negotiate his release with some coins, some dollars, some dinero! But Paul was not about to give him one dime. Two years go by and Gov. Felix is succeeded by another man named Porcius Festus. And because Felix wanted to do the jews a favor, he left Paul in jail.

But God had Paul there, not Gov. Felix. You remember I said in another post something I got from a pull out story in my Bible, that even on the devil’s best day, God is still using his foolishness to accomplish His plan and His will.

God providentially used this injustice to move Paul toward the goal of proclaiming the gospel in Rome, which was the center of earthly power in Paul’s day.

Could it be that your unfair circumstances are part of a bigger plan of God? Would you chill out more if you knew that what you’re going through, as you are obedient to God, is all part of His bigger plan? Could you chill more if you knew that? Well then, take a chill pill Sis/Bro! God does indeed have and IS working His plan. You gone be aight!

P..S. Check out the podcast on the Anchor app so that you can leave me a message!! I would love to hear from you!

Be sure to press play above or listen on the Anchor app to each episode as I always go deeper on audio.


  1. What did the Lord God say to you in your conversation with Him this morning?

  2. What do you need to stop worrying about and trust God’s plan with, in your life?

    REMINDER: Don’t forget to read the Scriptural Bible Study below and see what the Lord says to you about it.


If you’re not a believer and have a desire to be, openly confess and declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer out loud, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community and start having a conversation through prayer with God every day. And let me be the first to welcome you to your new life with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. YAAAAY!!!!! You made the best decision you could ever make! Feel free to email me at info@onassignmentbyGod.com and let me know about your newfound life or if you need prayer for anything.

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