
God’s Word

God’s Word


“Rush to be obedient.” ~ Holy Spirit

Have you ever felt like you wished God would speed up on answering your prayer requests? What about wanting God to hurry up and change your situation or circumstances? We have all been there! I remember many many years ago, I was seeking a new job. I had been laid off from a major insurance carrier and while I wasn’t anxious to find another job when I first got laid off, that lay-off package (i.e. money) was starting to run out and panic was starting to run in. I remember thinking once I got laid off that it would be easy to land a new job and I would not only have my severance pay from the old job, but I would be getting even more income with the new job. It didn’t happen that way. AT ALL! Matter of fact, I ran out of money before I landed a new job. I remember the feeling of being so desperate for a job.

I had gone to the grocery store one day and ended up in the book section. There was a book that caught my eye immediately: “You’re Late Again Lord! The Impatient Woman’s Guide to God’s Timing.” This book’s title was exactly what I was feeling, super impatient! Why was God taking so long to answer my prayer?? I had been praying for a new job and nothing had happened yet! Have you ever been there? You been praying and when things were in your control (i.e. you have a few bucks in the bank), your prayers were normal. Then when the money ran out, your prayers got more intense and you got more frustrated with God’s timing! You don’t have to raise your hand, but just tap your foot if you feel me!!! LOL!!

So of course I didn’t have a lot of money to spare in the grocery store that day, but I bought that book. Guess what? The book was all about encouraging me to be willing to wait for the Lord's timing and to spend that 'waiting time' purposefully by deepening my relationship with the Lord. Can you say more frustrated? I was in my 20’s during this time so I know I rolled my eyes! My mind wasn’t even on that level spiritually, but guess what, I remember getting so fed up to a point where I laid prostrate for the first time in my life on the floor crying out to the Lord. Now I can’t remember how long it was after that, but I do know that I ended up getting a job. LOL! What’s my point? Sometimes we are rushing God to answer us, and He simply wants you to spend more in-depth, face-on-the-floor, surrendered-time, with Him! He wants you to depend on Him, not your skills, your resume, or your network. The Holy Spirit said to me this morning: “Instead of rushing My timing, rush to be urgently obedient to the assignment I have given you to do.”

This morning I got up right when my alarm went off. I went straight into the prayer closet and knelt down to pray. I prayed, interceded for those who may not be where I am in faith, and also prayed in the Spirit because like I have said here before, praying in the Spirit allows the perfect prayers to be prayed because it’s straight from the Holy Spirit (not you!). I was urgently obedient in getting up to pray this morning!

When I opened my Bible for the Scriptural Surprise, I landed in 1 John. If y’all are not experiencing these types of “wonders” with the Lord, then check your belief and change your expectations. I just told y’all what the Holy Spirit said right? And then I randomly flipped open my Bible to 1 John!!! MIND BLOWING WONDERS!!

But you’re probably like, why is that so mind blowing? Well John is the apostle of intimacy, and per my Tony Evans Study Bible, John is very concerned with our fellowship or closeness with the Lord! In this book of the bible, John writes in an effort for us to focus on key elements of intimacy with God:

  • Obedience

  • Walking with God in righteousness

  • Submission to the truth.

  • Functioning together in love

Check out the graphic below for the verses that really stood out to me, but to be honest, the whole book of 1 John is worth reading! So do yourself a favor and read all of it!

Today, don’t be in such a rush to do your ‘Things To Do List’, if that list doesn’t have God at the very top. If you’re putting everything before Him, then that may be a clue as to why your prayers aren’t being answered so fast. He wants YOU! He wants you to rush to Him. He wants you to rush to the assignment He gave you. He wants you to rush to the calling He gave you. He wants you to jump up and be excited about spending time with Him when you wake up every day.

Your Questions For Today:

What did God say to you in your conversation with Him this morning?

What has you in such a big rush these days?

What is God telling you to hurry up and do?

Today’s Scriptural Surprise is 1 John. Be sure to read the standout verses 1 John 1:5-6; 1 John 2:15-17, 20; 1 John 3:3, 18. Just read the whole book of 1 John and see what God points out to you!!

Today’s Scriptural Surprise is 1 John. Be sure to read the standout verses 1 John 1:5-6; 1 John 2:15-17, 20; 1 John 3:3, 18. Just read the whole book of 1 John and see what God points out to you!!


If you’re not a believer and have a desire to be, openly confess and declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer out loud, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community and start having a conversation through prayer with God every day. And let me be the first to welcome you to your new life with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. YAAAAY!!!!! You made the best decision you could ever make! Feel free to email me at and let me know about your newfound life or if you need prayer for anything.

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