School Is In Session

God’s Word.

God’s Word.


In obedience, the On Assignment By God Blog, now has an audio feature where you can listen to this blog!! Thank you for your prayers as I continue to be obedient and do what God says! Happy Listening!!

I am starting to notice a pattern. And the enemy is about to be big mad that his little attempt to throw me off has been thwarted!

I notice that every time I commit or make up in my mind to do something the way God said do it, I do good in that initial start up. You know what I mean, right? God tells you something, you believe it, and you start moving toward it. You’re fired up about it. You’re ready to go. You’re pumped up. You go. You do good. Sometimes you even do great. And you’re like…YES GOD, thank you. This is going so great. I see your hand moving. I feel your presence in this God. Wooooo! Yes!

Then next thing you know. BAM! You wake up. Your mind is all over the place. You start doubting. You start questioning. You’re feeling weak or tired. It’s like everything is going in the opposite direction of what you were doing. You’re totally thrown off. You’re discombobulated. You’re confused. All kinds of things are happening to you and you’re like…what the heck is going on right now??? Why am I going through this? You start asking yourself questions, and you know who is making every attempt to answer your questions with more doubt and more confusion? The enemy. And it’s always subtle. It’s not blatant or outright. It’s always subtle.

That’s the pattern. You make up your mind to be obedient and you start off good, and then the enemy comes with a little something that throws you off.

Think about it. You’ve decided to focus on your health because God told you, it’s time to get your body in shape. I got more for you, but you won’t be able to handle it all the ripping and running in these new projects I got for you unless you’re energized. You make up your mind to be obedient and get healthy. Then a friend that you haven’t talked to in a while, one that isn’t trending the same way you are, invites you to lunch to “catch up” and next thing you know, you’re back to being your old self in a matter of “lunch minutes.”

That’s the pattern.

Don’t expect the enemy to show up with a t-shirt that has ENEMY

heat pressed in red vinyl on it!!!

The enemy is deceitful. His agenda is to steal, kill, and destroy. Think about that. Reflect on it so you can see the pattern. Think back over your life when you have decided to be obedient with God’s law and what happened after that. I don’t want you to just read over this today. I want you to HEAR ME, Loud and Clear. My goal today is to make HELL so mad! Because the enemy banks on us not taking time to reflect enough. You need time to pray. You need time to hear from God. You need time to write down what God says. You need time to reflect on your history so that you can see the hand of God moving and be encouraged, and so you can see how the enemy moves subtly against the plans of God and pick up on the pattern. Lord help us to be a pattern picker today. Help us to see it so we won’t be fooled!

So take some time today and write down every single time you have been thrown off your game or thrown a curve ball in life. Write down what you planned to do or what you decided to do, and then what threw you off. Or WHO threw you off. Oohhhh that’s a good one right there. WHO! And these are not bad people either. But they were used by the enemy and most likely didn’t even know it. Think about that too.

Has the enemy used YOU for his agenda? How would you know if you’re being used? Anytime you have cussed (yes I said cussed, but cursed for you proper people) someone out. Anytime you have persuaded someone to do it just this one time. Anytime someone has said they are focusing on their weight and you said, one dessert won’t hurt. Anytime you have said, it don’t take all that in church where others could hear you. Anytime you have lied. Anytime you have cheated. Anytime you have been deceitful. Anytime you have done anything that you knew was wrong. Anytime you have said, well God knows my heart. LOL! Yeah, exactly. So if we are being honest, everybody listening has done some work for the enemy. BUT GOD! Say it with me, BUT GOD! Thanks be to God that we can repent because of Jesus being our Lord and SAVIOR! Jesus for the save!!

So today, I want to encourage you to do this assignment. The Holy Spirit said to me this morning:

  • Your assignment is not just busy work.

  • Don’t plagiarize or just be making stuff up on your assignments.

  • Ask Me if you are unclear about your assignments.

  • Some assignments are preparation.

  • Some assignments are to teach you.

  • Some assignments are pop quizzes to check in on you.

  • Some assignments are full drawn out tests.

  • Some assignments are for your review.

  • But all assignments work together for the good of My Kingdom Agenda!

The Holy Spirit took me to school today! He said: choosing me as your Savior is choosing me as your MAJOR! My Kingdom Agenda is what your focus should always be. Don’t drop the class or the assignment when it gets tough. Spend more time in the lab (in the prayer closet and in My Word).

I just love it when the Holy Spirit takes over y’all. Some mornings if I can be honest with y’all, my mind is anxious about this blog. Y’all are waiting on this blog. People are waiting on me to hit publish and some days, fear will creep in subtly. Or distractions will creep in subtly. Or even legit distractions like my kids needing me during my prayer time.

But I thank God for the assignment today…peep out the patterns! The enemy wants you to major in the minors, you know, those little things that distract you from the major…GOD! But not today! Our assignment today will help us see the tricks so that we can be ready to stay the course. Oh and for extra credit, we can use scripture when we peep the pattern. Scriptures like Isaiah 54:17: NO weapon formed against me shall prosper!

Today, peep the pattern. Pray. Write down what you hear from Holy Spirit. Read your Word. Focus on your Major. And complete your assignments.


Check out your assignment questions for today. Take a moment to reflect and then answer the questions in your journal. Pray. Listen. Write. Obey.

Your Assignment For Today:

What did God say to YOU in your conversation with Him this morning?

What patterns of the enemy did you peep from your reflection time?

What scriptures will you use to ensure that you stay focused on God’s Kingdom agenda?

Today’s Scriptural Surprise is Matthew 4-5. Just read all of it!

Today’s Scriptural Surprise is Matthew 4-5. Just read all of it!


If you’re not a believer and have a desire to be, openly confess and declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer out loud, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community and start having a conversation through prayer with God every day. And let me be the first to welcome you to your new life with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. YAAAAY!!!!! You made the best decision you could ever make! Feel free to email me at and let me know about your newfound life or if you need prayer for anything.

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