Encouragement Ink

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The Solution for Confusion!

The Solution for Confusion!

New Living Translation


As you know from being a devoted reader of this blog (I am speaking it into existence if you’re not), I wake up to pray every single morning for an hour. In obedience to God, I blog my conversations with Him every day, except Sundays. This routine started with a prayer challenge and that prayer challenge started with 15 minutes of prayer time each day. Every week, we went up 5 minutes until we got to 60 minutes of prayer time. It’s the best hour of my day!

Since participating in the challenge, my entire life has changed. I have peace and don’t stress. I pray about everything. I ask the Holy Spirit to guide me on decisions and it has made all the difference in the world.

Daily prayer time with God is the ultimate solution for confusion, depression, anxiety, discouragement, hopelessness, and despair. The Lord said to me this morning, when you are confused, ask me for clarity. I will give it to you, and it will always line up with my Word.

He also said: If I don’t give you anything new, it means go back and read what I already said. There is always a fresh word for you in My Word!

Today’s scriptural surprise came from Proverbs, the twelfth chapter. There is so much wisdom and direction in the book of Proverbs. All the verses stood out to me, but today I want to focus on verse 26. It says:

“The godly give good advice to their friends; the wicked lead them astray.” Proverbs 12:26 New Living Translation

As a friend of this blog, I want to encourage you with this advice…pray every day and read your bible every day. Be encouraging to one another, even when you don’t feel like it. God will honor your try. And know this… life is so much more clearer when you wake up and allow God to command your day. Give God permission every morning for heavenly interference over your life.


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A Word from God.

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