Encouragement Ink

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Stop Playing Hopscotch With God

Stop Playing Hopscotch With God!

New Living Translation


It’s the 12th day of this month of new beginnings! I want to start the blog off this Monday morning telling you what I heard the Holy Spirit say right away.

He said: Stop playing hop-scotch with me. You got one foot in and one foot out. Surrendering to me means both feet are in. I want all of you. Every. Single. Part. And no, you don’t have to do anything first (like clean it up) before you surrender it to Me.

Now of course, I imagined the childhood game of hopscotch when I heard this. First of all, it’s a childhood game. Let that sink in adults.

Hopscotch game

The Holy Spirit is saying…it’s time out for living like you’re still a child. It’s time out for games. You have been created for a purpose and God wants to depend on you to complete His will on earth. You can’t do that if one day you Holy and the next day you back to living how you used to live before you surrendered. The Good News is that you can surrender AGAIN. Unlike the game of hopscotch where you’re trying to stand on one foot and balance all that life has dealt you; this time, keep both feet in, firmly planted in God and His Word.

After I heard that, I opened my Bible for the Scriptural Surprise and it was the book of Philippians, chapters 1 and 2. The standout verses were Philippians 1:6 (blog main picture). The Holy Spirit said, whatever I have started in you, I will finish it. And you don’t need to worry how I will do it. Just believe that I will.

The other stand out verses were in chapter 2, verses 3 and 4. These really stood out for me personally.

(3) Don’t be selfish; don’t live to make a good impression on others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourself. (4) Don’t think only about your own affairs, but be interested in others, too, and what they are doing. Philippians 2:3-4 New Living Translation

When I read those verses, I heard the Holy Spirit say, be confident in My Word. When you’re unsure of what to do, SERVE & SHARE THE GOOD NEWS about Me! There are people in close proximity to you, that needs to hear the Good News of Jesus. Don’t just focus on you. Translation: when you get stuck and don’t know which direction to go in, just start serving and sharing the good news of Jesus to others.

These verses were also confirmation from a conversation I had last night about my direction for my business. I have been praying for clarity on what to do in addition to writing my books. In verse 4 it says don’t think only about your own affairs, but be interested in others, too, and what they are doing. God has confirmed to me that I will be coaching again. I have been praying about what it is He wants me to coach on, and who He wants me to focus on (my audience).

He also told me a while ago that everything I do will have my gift of writing in it. The revelation in this verse for me is that He doesn’t want me to just focus on my writing, but be interested in others and their writing. My publishing company is called Encouragement Ink International and I believe when God told me my books will go to the nations, He wasn’t just talking about the ones I write personally. (WOW!!!!!) He said serve and share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Translation: You won’t just be publishing your books Fon. (big gulp!)

As an author, people have always confided in me their desire to write a book. I have actually coached people to write books. Some were successful, some weren’t. But I believe that when I wrote my last book Permission Slips in 3 days during a 3-Day Fast, God was allowing me to experience His power of writing a book. He allowed me to see how easy it was to publish the book with Him this time around (I had previously published two books before). Was it a challenge for me? Uhhh yeah!! But I learned through the process that with the power of the Holy Spirit, I was able to do it! I realize today that I didn’t just learn that for me (WOW!!)

When you fully surrender your life to God and stop playing the game of one foot in, God is faithful to you and the purposes for which you were placed on this earth to fulfill. Whatever He started in you (and He created/started all of us before we were in our mother’s womb), He is faithful to finish it, but we must give Him permission to do so because He gave us free will. Will you give Him permission today to do His will on earth through you?

I’d love to hear from you if God has given you a book to write. Email me: info@onassignmentbyGod.com

Happy Monday!!! Let’s share the good news of Jesus today to one person. You may be like, but how do I do that? Just weave it into the conversation. When you get asked, how was your weekend, tell how good God was to you this weekend. That simple. See this little exercise will allow you to think about the goodness of Jesus and encourage yourself, AND also help you share the good news of Jesus. AMEN!!! WOO HOO!!



I’m currently mailing autographed copies of Permission Slips our right now. If God lays it on your heart to support, I am greatly appreciative. Also consider buying a copy and donating a book to someone who needs encouraging.

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A Word from God.

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