Trust the Set Up

Trust the Set Up

The Passion Translation

The Passion Translation


This morning’s prayer time was full of praying in unknown tongues. I prayed until I felt myself starting to get out of breath. I was pacing a path from my closet to my master bathroom. I was just going back and forth praying in the Spirit. Just back and forth. Back and forth. At one point I felt the Holy Spirit say, just like this path from the prayer closet is clear for you, I will continue clearing a path for you in your life and business. I heard the Holy Spirit also say the following:

  • Let me handle those who are wicked and evil.

  • Don’t perceive. Just pray.

  • Don’t let what you see, that may seem counter-productive to my plan and promise for you, throw you off track.

  • Trust the set up.

I read Psalms 34-36 and it was a mighty word (see standout verse in the blog’s main photo). And by the way, that verse is from The Passion Translation. I pray that right now you get your Bibles out (or Bible app) and read those chapters in the book of Psalms (and I learned that it only has Psalms with an “s” if you’re talking about more than one book). Oh what a Word you will receive today when you read those chapters.

I also felt led to share a resource that I listened to on yesterday. I watch several different men and women of God through YouTube and I have gained so much spiritual knowledge and strength. I believe God has raised up a group of people just for me to hear in this season. If you’re not binging on YouTube sermons that feed your soul, then you need to change the channel. Be careful of what you consume via TV because the enemy doesn’t want you to grow spiritually. He is just fine that you are watching shows that are not helping you reach your destiny or live out your purpose.

I do a lot of stuff cold turkey. That means, I don’t take long to shift. Once I realize that it’s not good for me, I move on. So it wasn’t hard for me to stop watching shows that didn’t benefit me. But I know everyone isn’t like that. So how about you start off by replacing one show that you watch on TV now, with your favorite YouTube church or pastor. And if I may make a recommendation on who you can binge watch…it would be Transformation Church, under Pastor Mike Todd. He is young and on fire for Jesus! And his sermons have taught me more than I ever learned going to routine church every Sunday. Here is the sermon I watched yesterday that had me shouting and hollering! It’s called CRAZY FAITH! You MUST WATCH IT!

Have a great Tuesday and don’t forget to trust the set up. God knows exactly what He is doing!



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A Word from God.

A Word from God.

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