Connect the Dots

Connect the Dots

Contemporary English Translation

Contemporary English Translation


Have you ever played connect the dots? You know the game worksheet where you start at number 1 and then go to number 2 and keep going until you connect all the dots. That game where you can only see the bigger picture, when the dots are all connected? Well that was the game the Holy Spirit used to speak to me this morning! Here’s our conversation:

  • Drop your shoulders and relax, I’m connecting the dots!

  • Stay in line and look for the next dot.

  • The bigger picture will only be revealed as you are obedient, stay in line, stay in order, and keep going to the next dot.

  • Every dot is an assignment that connects you to your purpose and the plan I have for you.

  • Take a deep breath, drop your shoulders, lose control, and follow the dots of My plan.

The Scriptural Surprise today comes from the book of Haggai. Yes the whole book since it’s only two chapters. One of the things that stood out to me in the New Living Translation were the dates that the Lord sent messages to the prophet Haggai. The dates were August 29, September 21, October 17, and December 18th. I couldn’t help but notice these dates because of where I am in this season of my life. When you read the text, you see that the Lord had given a call to rebuild His temple (His house)! In chapter 2, verse 9, the Lord said, “the future glory of this Temple will be greater than its past glory, and in this place I will bring peace.” The revelation that I got through that message is that in this season August - December of 2019, God is rebuilding me and He will use me to do greater things than I have done in the past and it will be peaceful (now this is a shout moment right here)!! Yes God!!!

The standout verse is Haggai 2:19.

I am giving you a promise now while the seed is still in the barn before you have harvested your grain and before the grapevine, the fig tree, the pomegranate, and the olive tree have produced their crops. From this day onward, I will bless you. Haggai 2:19

I hear the Holy Spirit saying, before you even see a harvest in this next decade of 2020, I am promising you right now that I will bless you!!!

A lot of things have been happening to me lately where I can see the hand of God moving. And without daily prayer, the old me would have been anxious and anxiety-filled because I would want to see the bigger picture already. I want to know (clearly the old me is seeping out right now). But I heard Pastor Mike Todd say that God either shows you the mountaintop and not the path or He shows you the path and not the mountaintop. With this connect the dot message today, and the clear path blog post from last Saturday, I believe He is showing me the path and the not the mountaintop. I must continue to just stay on my dot assignments until He is ready for me to see the bigger picture.

Be encouraged no matter where you are today. If you have surrendered your life to God, then relax and know that He is in FULL CONTROL of it all. Onward to the next dot! LOL!

And just for fun, check out these two connect the dot images below that I found. One is like the game I remembered as a child (where you already know what the bigger picture is before you even connect the dots) and the other is like my life right now where I am not sure what the bigger picture, but I am trusting God all the way because He created the picture!!!


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