Stop Self-Sabotaging
In obedience, the On Assignment By God Blog, now has an audio feature where you can listen to this blog right here, or on your favorite podcast listening app!! Be sure to subscribe on the podcast app! Find us at On Assignment By God, for the podcast! Thank you for your prayers as I continue to be obedient and do what God says! Happy Listening!!
When the Holy Spirit wakes you up in the 3:00 a.m. hour, that means get up and listen. That’s what happened to me this Saturday morning. And I have to say Saturday because all our days are starting to run together. My kids said it’s like we don’t have weekends anymore Mommy. And that’s true. Every day feels like a weekend day.
But when I got up earlier than my usual 5 a.m. to pray, I felt the need to pray specifically for a person that was laid upon my heart. And while I know I prayed for them, as I kept praying in my heavenly language, I knew others were prayed for as well. I can’t tell yall enough how vital it is to pray in the Spirit. Don’t be afraid to pray in tongues because that’s pretty much the Spirit praying FOR YOU. We don’t know enough of who to pray for. I still don’t know why the person I was praying for required my prayers, so I HAD to pray in the Spirit.
I kept hearing the word self-sabotage as I prayed. I didn’t know if the person was self-sabotaging or not, but I know one thing, I repented if I, myself, had done anything that would self-sabotage. I heard the Holy Spirit say to me later on, “Don’t sabotage yourself with disobedience. But I can forgive THAT TOO!”
One thing I know for sure is that my Lord and Savior is compassionate towards us and even when we mess up our own self, He will forgive us. It doesn’t matter what the mistake or misstep is, He sent Jesus to cover ALL OF IT! Thank you God for your son Jesus who came to cover ALL of my sins, even the self-sabotaging ones.
Now, I got to hit on this for a second because I feel like someone is saying, how can you have a robust prayer life, hear from God daily, and still self-sabotage? Two words. DISOBEDIENCE and DOUBT. The Lord can give you an assignment to do and you half do it…that’s disobedience. You can hear a word from the Lord and doubt that it will come to pass. Both of these are self-sabotaging. Now of course if you’re not praying daily, and hearing from the Lord daily, there are an unlimited amount of ways you can self-sabotage, but they all mostly go right back to your being DISOBEDIENT to God’s Word.
When I did a bit of research on this topic, I found an article by Doug Ponder over at Remnant Resource dot org. It’s a really good article about how to stop self-sabotaging yourself. He said it is a three-fold process. We have to know what’s right (which means read the Word of God), we have to want to do what’s right (which means we have to engage with Holy Spirit and ask Him to change our heart desires, and then we have to practice what is right (which means we have to take actions that keep us DOING THE RIGHT THINGS, like watching sermons, talking about the gospel with friends, and putting yourself in environments that help you grow in the Lord, not hinder you).
Bottom Line: If you really want to live a blessed life, focus on spending time with God and stop doing those habits that you know aren’t helping you AT ALL. And that’s the key, YOU KNOW.
Hearts and Hugs!!
Side Note: I know I have not shared all that the Lord has released this week (a Word He gave me Monday), but stay tuned for next Monday’s blog and podcast where I share the wrap up of what the Lord released all week!!!
P.S. If you love hearing my conversation with My Lord God on with this blog and podcast, pray about being a supporter! I'd love for us to connect even more and see how God uses us, as we are ON ASSIGNMENT for Him. If you agree, say Amen!
What did the Lord God say to you in your conversation with Him this morning?
How will you start practicing what is right?
Check out today’s Scriptural Surprise!
If you’re not a believer and have a desire to be, openly confess and declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer out loud, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community and start having a conversation through prayer with God every day. And let me be the first to welcome you to your new life with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. YAAAAY!!!!! You made the best decision you could ever make! Feel free to email me at and let me know about your newfound life or if you need prayer for anything.