The 1 Hour Prayer Challenge App is Here!

When you get an assignment from YAH, you just do it! Well at least you should!

I got this assignment back in 2021 and started a project I had never done before… creating an app!!!

Every cent that I needed to do this project, YAH gave it to me! And it was a lot of cents!

I got to be transparent because somebody need to hear this. I almost gave up on ever getting this project done! There were so many bugs, fixes, problems on the tech end! But then there were distractions, delays, and dull moments where I just didn’t know if I could pull it off! But it was an assignment that I had been given! I honestly felt like I had failed on the assignment or missed the deadline.

But I kept going!

I kept praying in the Spirit which is what the app helps you to do consistently! I kept hosting the LIVE 1 Hour Prayer Challenges every month for all of 2023!

I kept going! But not in my own strength though. Because I (me, myself, and I) would have just said…it didn’t get done quickly and I missed the mark. But I knew deep in my heart… the assignment had to be finished. Plus the developers didn’t believe in the only true and living Elohim soooo maybe they needed more time with it? I prayed for them too!

Today… almost a year to the day I shared it during the “MAY 2023 7 Days to 1 Hour Prayer Challenge”, the app is READY! It’s ready for you to download and TAKE the 1 HOUR PRAYER CHALLENGE!!! Whether it’s your first time or your 50th time, it is powerful when we learn how to consistently pray in the Spirit!

So, consider this the launch of the new app! Because that’s another thing… I was over here trying to overthink how to launch it! Then I was reminded that I’m a writer! Just write the story and share it!

So I present to you… The 1 Hour Prayer Challenge App! Go and download it on IOS or Android. Share it with your friends and take the challenge together as a small group! Friends that pray together, stay together!

I’m giving away journals for everyone who downloads the app! Download it and send me a screenshot! And I’ll send you a journal! You’re gonna need it! Prayer is a conversation with YAH! And He has much to say when you spend time with him every day! This I know!

Oh yeah, the app has a community feature so let’s get connected there as well.

See you in the app!