Encouragement Ink

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The Little Details

The Little Details

King James Version


It’s probably not new that I got up sleepy this morning, but last night I was working on a presentation that I have to present on today. So while I had good reason to be up late, I knew it was going to be rough this morning. But guess what? I have more energy right now typing this blog than ever! God really hears us when we ask for strength! He hears us when we push through the sleepiness and pray our best prayer, despite how we feel. He honors our effort to keep getting up in spite of how sleepy we are. He loves that we make Him the priority.

This morning, I had an awesome time with the Holy Spirit leading the way. I prayed some mighty prayers and for the first time, I laughed in the Spirit like I was at a Holy Ghost comedy show! I was reading my fave prayer book (you should it know it by now), Prayers That Rout Demons by John Eckhardt, and I read the following: I laugh at the enemy through the Holy Spirit (Psalm 2:4). I seriously thought about how God has saved me from every trap and snare of the enemy. I got to laughing so hard just imagining the enemy getting mad like a cartoon character (kind of like the coyote and the road runner…you remember that?) I had my foot on the neck of the enemy this morning and was laughing my butt off in the name of Jesus!!! LOL!!

Here’s what the Holy Spirit said to me this morning:

  • Pay ATTENTION to the little things.

  • Pay ATTENTION to the details.

  • Don’t overlook the small things.

  • Details matter.

  • Always operate in excellence.

  • I AM the standard, not anyone else around you.

  • When I put you on a course, you can trust and believe that everything is going to work out!

SCRIPTURAL SURPRISE: Proverbs 15. Specifically paid attention to verses, 6, 22, and 29.

Be encouraged on this Friday knowing that JESUS is in the details!

If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities. Luke 16:10 New Living Translation.


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A Word from God.