Encouragement Ink

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The Promises of God Will Be Performed!

God’s Word


“Don’t let what it looks like deter you from what I said it would be.” ~ Holy Spirit

Have you ever struggled with seeing what God said? He gave you a promise. He gave you a vision. He gave you a Word. But you have not seen it yet. Matter of fact, things don’t even look like they are working in the direction of the promise at all. It looks like it’s going in the opposite direction. Ever felt that way?

God checked me this morning with one line: “Don’t let what it looks like deter you from what I said it would be.” And it was in that one line that I realized I had allowed doubt to creep into my thoughts. As I prayed this morning, I felt the thoughts of doubt try to rush back in, but then I heard myself start singing, All your promises are yes and amen. I just kept singing it until it took up residence in my mind. Listen, it doesn’t matter if you pray on your face every single day, three times a day, the enemy is not gonna leave you alone. If Jesus was tempted by satan, then you know that we too will be tempted by satan.

My scriptural surprise today took me right to that chapter where Jesus was tempted too! Y’all can’t tell me that the Holy Spirit doesn’t give me exactly what I need when I need it. When I put my fingers in the pages and flip it open, I expect it. I am still in awe, but I expect when I flip open my Bible that He will give me exactly what I need. So I flipped right to Matthew 4 where the Spirit had led Jesus to the wilderness (that means it was God’s idea for his Son to be tested so that He could demonstrate the superiority of His Son over satan).

The part that really stood out for me was Matthew 4:7 where satan was trying to use scripture to tempt Jesus (that lets us know that satan knows scripture too). I love so much what Jesus said to him: Jesus told him, “It is also written: Do not test the Lord your God.” When I read that, I realized this: Jesus had been fasting, so he was hungry, but he was still able to clap back on the devil with an IT IS ALSO WRITTEN response. That’s how we must be when the enemy tries to use scripture, we must be spiritually strong enough to say…IT IS ALSO WRITTEN!

When I looked up the meaning of the word “also”, it means additionally. It is ADDITIONALLY written! We must be studying the Word of God enough to know more than just a few scriptures. We need to always be ADDING to what we know!! Come on somebody!!!!! We can’t just settle for knowing those few scriptures, we got to get in our Bibles because the enemy knows scripture and you can’t have a spiritual battle with satan without knowing scripture.

And let me say this…I know the Lord fights our battles, but as you can see in Matthew 4, He used scripture to deal with the enemy. So don’t be out here being lazy talking about the Lord gonna fight the battle and you’re not doing your part to learn scripture!

As I read this chapter of Matthew in my Tony Evans Study Bible, and read His corresponding notes, Dr. Evans said this about Matthew 4:3:

The devil had been watching Jesus go without food. He knows what you’re up to too, and directs his temptations accordingly. Tony Evans Study Bible Notes Matthew 4:3

I felt exactly that this week!! I felt like the enemy was attacking my thoughts this week. And even though I was praying and blogging, I still felt like I was going in and out of struggle. It made me start to question what God had told me. It made me question the vision God had given me. But yesterday, I started listening to the Possess the Land by Embassy Worship album and there is a song on there called, IT IS SO featuring Psalmist Raine and Tontethall Walters! When I say the prophetic word and the song FREED ME UP from the struggle! The enemy was trying to get me to think what God said wasn’t gonna happen. But the devil is a lie! And my God is a NOT a liar! The song referenced a verse that I can now use to fight the enemy with. So when the thoughts come in to try to make you doubt what God said, you can say, IT IS WRITTEN in Romans 4:21

because he was fully convinced that what God had promised, he was also able to do. Romans 4:21 CSB

As I was listening to the song, I wrote it down. I AM FULLY PERSUADED that what God has promised ME (FON), He will perform it!! The promise will come because of our faith that we are fully convinced and fully persuaded that we will see what God said!!

This morning as I tried to come out of the discouraging thoughts, I said Lord, give me clarity and He said:

  • It’s a yes, just be patient and wait for it to manifest!!!

  • I am always working. You can count on me to perform the promise!

This Saturday morning, press into your faith, read your Bible, and say this with authority:



Your Questions For Today:

What did God say to you in your conversation with Him this morning?

What promises did God already tell you would happen?

Today’s Scriptural Surprise is Matthew 4! It’s about Jesus being tempted! Be sure to read the standout verse!!


If you’re not a believer and have a desire to be, openly confess and declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer out loud, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community and start having a conversation through prayer with God every day. And let me be the first to welcome you to your new life with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. YAAAAY!!!!! You made the best decision you could ever make! Feel free to email me at info@onassignmentbyGod.com and let me know about your newfound life or if you need prayer for anything.

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