The Transportation Method to Destiny

God’s Word. Please Note: This beautiful image with today’s verse comes from Sound Sayings, an Etsy store that sells vinyl scriptures. Check them out!!

God’s Word. Please Note: This beautiful image with today’s verse comes from Sound Sayings, an Etsy store that sells vinyl scriptures. Check them out!!


“Don’t stop pedaling.” ~ Holy Spirit

Back in October of last year, a friend of mine texted me about a new workout studio opening in the area. Her text had urgency because they were running a pre-construction sale and I could get in on the “ground” floor for free. What’s ironic is that when she sent the text, I had been looking at my vision board and the one thing that wasn’t checked off yet was consistently working out and getting to a healthier weight. When I got her text, I was like…”BAM! This is it!!” I went down to the studio and signed right up. They said the studio would open the next month after all the construction was done. Now instead of doing small workouts at home (like I had previously been doing), I resolved that I would just WAIT. LOL! Interesting what we choose to wait on right? The Lord said wait on that relationship, that new job, that new house, and we pout. The gym says wait till we open and we rejoice and go eat donuts in our waiting. LOL LOL LOL LOL!!!!! Y’all know I am talking the real right now!! Stop playing! LOL!

So fast forward to December. Yes, the gym’s opening was delayed due to construction. I wasn’t too upset, but I was definitely eager to try this new form of working out…in an infrared sauna. Gym opens up. I go in and do my orientation, tour, and set up a time to do my first workout: HOT CYCLE!

The sauna was set to 124 degrees Fahrenheit to get the maximum calorie burn and I was ready…or so I thought. Now the workout was only going to be 15 minutes in length because it was a HIIT (high intensity internal training) style workout. That means you burn more calories in less time. To be honest, that’s exactly what sold me on the whole idea in the first place. If I can workout for 15 minutes vs 1.5 hours, I am in! LOL!

I go into the sauna room with the bike. I make the adjustments to the seat (which by the way still annoys my butt), and I focus my attention on the virtual trainer on the TV. Yes it’s all virtual so I don’t have to wait on the trainer to show up. I show up and the trainer is on TV and the class starts every 15 minutes. Perfect way to not make an excuse for “missing a class.” Plus the gym is open 24 hours! So for real, no excuse.

Okay, I digress. So I go into the sauna, get on the bike and start pedaling per the instructor. I don’t even know if 30 seconds had passed or not before I started feel parched in the mouth. Did I hydrate enough before coming in here? Did I stretch enough? Did I pray about this enough? LOL! These were all real thoughts that were running through my head during the first 30 seconds of warming up (which felt more like burning up)!

After the warm-up, she says with an excited and motivational voice, “okay, we are going to take the tension up to HEAVY, so turn that dial up. You should feel like you’re pedaling through mud.” I turned my dial up some and it didn’t feel like mud. Now I could have cheated and just left it at the medium tension but that wasn’t going to get me the highest caloric burn. So I turn the knob until it felt like mud. It felt like thick mud too! The trainer said, “just don’t stop pedaling. As long as you’re pedaling, you’re working.”

This morning as I was headed to the prayer closet, I heard the Holy Spirit say: “Don’t stop pedaling.” Now of course I tried to correct the Holy Spirit, I was like, you mean praying, right? Don’t stop praying? And He didn’t correct it. I went into the prayer closet and prayed in my Holy language and then when I was done, I said, “Speak Lord, your servant is listening.” Here’s what He said:

  • I am proud of you Fon.

  • You continue to have faith in My Word.

  • You continue to pray.

  • Your consistency is to be commended (I am crying at this point because my Father is letting me know that He is pleased with me).

  • People need what only you can give them.

  • You are becoming who I created you to be.

  • Every experience, every trial, every thing you have been through whether good or bad…I WILL USE for my Kingdom, to draw others to Me.

  • Always be open about your life.

  • Your transparency will transport you to your destiny and will help save the lives of others along the way.





I had to pause because that last line was soooo prophetic!!

When I connect the last line: ‘Your transparency will transport you to your destiny and help save the lives of others along the way,’ to the first line: ‘Don’t stop pedaling,’ it is most certainly a clear message from the Lord to keep going because there are people who need only what I can give. I can’t stop pedaling. I can’t stop praying. I can’t stop being consistent. I can’t stop becoming who He created me to be. I can’t stop being open and transparent. I can’t stop having faith. I can’t stop.

Just like my HOT CYCLE class, I won’t stop pedaling, no matter how hot it gets or how tough it gets. I will keep pedaling the Good News of Jesus Christ!

Check out the questions for today and answer them in your journal.

Pray. Listen. Write. Obey.

Your Questions For Today:

What did God say to you in your conversation with Him this morning?

What testimony do you need to share to help someone else get on the right path?

What do you need to keep pedaling on?

Today’s Scriptural Surprise is Hosea 11 and focuses on The Lord’s Love for Israel.

Today’s Scriptural Surprise is Hosea 11 and focuses on The Lord’s Love for Israel.


If you’re not a believer and have a desire to be, openly confess and declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer out loud, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community and start having a conversation through prayer with God every day. And let me be the first to welcome you to your new life with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. YAAAAY!!!!! You made the best decision you could ever make! Feel free to email me at and let me know about your newfound life or if you need prayer for anything.

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