Encouragement Ink

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Whose Glasses Are You Using?

Whose Glasses Are You Using?

Contemporary English Version


Early Saturday morning prayer says a lot about your commitment to prayer. It’s the day that most sleep in and snooze until you can’t snooze anymore. But when you start praying daily, Saturdays are just like Mondays, you wake up knowing that you have a job to do. And that job is to go before the Lord, give Him praise, pray, listen to what He says, write it down, and then act accordingly (this means DO what He says to do).

This morning I am thankful that I didn’t struggle to get up. Just like a job or an important appointment that can’t be missed, my prayer time is necessary and non-negotiable. Do you treat your prayer time like that? It’s amazing that we will do what we have to do to get up for work, but when it comes to getting up for the work of the Lord, we don’t have that same mindset. It’s kind of crazy to be obedient to a job that you wouldn’t even be able to go to, if God didn’t wake you up this morning. I encourage you to see things differently starting today. Your prayer life should be the main job and your other job should be the side hustle. What if we switched it up like that? How much more effective would we be for the Lord?

So on this glorious Saturday morning, a Saturday I have never ever seen in my life, I want to share with you my conversation with God from this morning’s prayer time.

This morning I said something during my prayers that was so powerful, I grabbed my journal in the middle of prayer to write it down!!

Lord, I stand firm on Your Word, for my words.

When I said that while flowing in my prayers, I heard it so distinctly and so clearly that I had to write it down. I believe these words are powerful and serve as a declaration for my purpose. I am definitely going to print this out in such a way that I am always reminded of where I stand.

This morning, the scriptural surprise came from Haggai 2:19 and 23, and since that was a recent scripture I had read before, I did a second scriptural surprise and landed in 1 Samuel 16:7. God always connects the dots for me on these scriptural surprises, and He did exactly that this morning by revealing this:

  • You may look at something and think…that’s it, but be sure to check with me to see if that’s really it before you make any moves.

  • I see things differently than you. I can see the whole picture. I saw it long before you were even formed in your mother’s womb, so you can trust that I see it ALL.

  • Don’t make assumptions. Talk to Me about everything.

  • You may have to SERVE on a lower level before I put you on a higher level, but I have already determined that you will be on the higher level. Trust me on ALL levels.

Now I mentioned that I first turned to Haggai 2. Here in verse 23 is where the Lord revealed to me and reminded me, that He has specially chosen me. When I flipped to 1 Samuel, it was about the Lord choosing David! The Lord had sent Samuel to Bethlehem to anoint David as king, but He didn’t tell him that it would be David by name. He just said find a man named Jesse who lives there, for I have selected one of his sons to be my new king. This made me pause for a moment. What has God instructed you to do but not given you all the details or names yet?

As we read 1 Samuel, chapter 16 even further, we see that Samuel finds Jesse and has a party for him and his sons. When he saw Jesse’s son Eliab, he just knew that was the one the Lord would have him to anoint as king. But in verse 7, the Lord says a Word that I want to stand on today. Today’s blog picture shows the word in the Message translation of what the Lord said, but here is the New Living Translation from my bible.

But the Lord said to Samuel, “Don’t judge by his appearance or height. for I have rejected him. The Lord doesn’t make decisions the way you do! People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at a person’s thoughts and intentions.” 1 Samuel 16:7

As I studied that verse, I realized how many times we make assumptions about people based on how they look. The Lord had already decided to anoint David, who by the way, wasn’t even at the party yet!! He was still outside tending the sheep. His father Jesse and his brothers were all inside with Samuel. But it wasn’t until Samuel put on the glasses of the Lord that he realized that none of the brothers were who the Lord had chosen. So Samuel asked Jesse, “are these all of the sons you have?” When Samuel asked this question, then Jesse remembered David. When David got to the house, the Lord told Samuel in verse 12, this is the one; anoint him.

I want you to go and read that 16th chapter of 1 Samuel to see what the Holy Spirit allows you to SEE.

My prayer is that we will put on our spiritual lenses so that we can SEE things the way God sees them. I also pray that we won’t rush to think we know, but that we will seek the Lord and get His permission before we make any moves. Even though this message is about seeing things from God’s glasses, be reminded that hearing from God is just as equally important. Samuel heard from God that David was the one when he laid eyes on him.

Let us see and hear from God daily, as we pray and do life His way.

Have an amazing Saturday!



If you’re not a believer and have a desire to be, openly confess and declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer out loud, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community and start having a conversation through prayer with God every day. And let me be the first to welcome you to your new life with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. YAAAAY!!!!! You made the best decision you could ever make! Feel free to email me at info@onassignmentbyGod.com and let me know about your newfound life or if you need prayer for anything.


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A Word from God.

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