Make Wise Decisions

Make Wise Decisions

“But maybe you need to know how to be wise. Then ask God to help you. He is ready to give everyone what they need. And He never says that it is wrong to ask. So, God will help you to be wise. But when you ask God for something, you must trust Him completely. Do not have other ideas in your mind. Anybody who is not sure that God will help them, is like the water that is in the sea. The wind blows the water one way and then it blows the water another way. A person who is like that never knows what to do. He has many ideas in his mind. He should not think that he will receive anything from the Lord.” James 1: 5-8 Easy Translation


This morning the Holy Spirit prompted me to pray for young girls and young women who may be caught up in some sort of bondage, sex traffic, kidnapping, molestation, mental chains, or physical chains. I prayed that an opportunity for them to be free will come to them immediately. I also prayed for other young women to have strong discernment and to recognize deceit at an early age and be bold to call them out, so they can flee immediately. I just believe we need to pray for our young people to get BOLD on the enemy right now so it won’t take them as long as it has taken us to BE BOLD in Jesus name!

I am sharing this because it’s so important for us to be led by the Holy Spirit when we pray. Prayer is not just coming to God with our wants. Prayer is about US giving God permission to interfere on earth; and when we pray in the Spirit with unknown tongues, it provides a way for us to pray about things that we wouldn’t think to pray about or are even aware of. So I just want to start this morning off encouraging us to not be selfish in our prayer time and to go deeper by praying in the Spirit.

Here is what the Holy Spirit said to me this morning when I ASKED for interpretation of what I had prayed:

  • Being urgent in obedience is more about how you prioritize your assignments. It doesn’t mean you can get all your assignments done in one day.

  • Be ready to recognize those who try to deceive you. Ask Me if you should talk to them, do business with them, eat with them, etc.

  • Come out of the poverty mindset and stop begging. Read Psalm 37:25. If you are living right, you don’t have to beg.

  • Let him find you serving Me with your whole heart. Read Proverbs 18:22. If you find him, that’s out of order. Plus you can’t be found if YOU out there looking. When a friend says, “oooohhh girl, he’s handsome, where did you find him at? If your response is anything but, “I didn’t find him, he found me!” then he is not the one (I know the Holy Spirit is talking to me, but who else is this for???).

  • Stop eating out so much. Add up how much you are spending on eating out. You will be amazed. Don’t misuse the money I bless you with on so much food. Budget an amount and stick to it (I’m going to look at my expense on CalendarBudget to see…I already know it’s too much and that’s why Holy Spirit said this today. As I am typing this, I just heard the Holy Spirit say, stop eating all your harvest up Fon! WOW!!)

  • Ask me before you do anything. Wait for me to answer. Make sure you’re hearing from Me only. You can tell my voice when the decision lines up with my Word and the plan I have for your life.

Yesterday I had an amazing day and the Holy Spirit spoke to me all day through different anointed people who I KNOW He was using. I am so grateful that He loves me THAT much to talk to me all day and reveal things all day like that. I know it’s the power of prayer.

I am reading this book by Kenneth Hagin, You Can Have What You Say, and there is one line in the book that I want to share with you all because I know some people have asked me, how do you know whether or not it’s God or the Devil speaking to you. In the book, Hagin says this: Everything that is of doubt, unbelief, and discouragement is the devil. God never talks doubt, failure, unbelief, or discouragement to anybody. He then shares the scripture, Mark 11:23 which says, “He shall have whatsoever he saith.” Hagin says, believe it in your heart, say it with your mouth. That is the principle of faith. You can have what you say.

I wanted to share that with you because a lot of us pray, but we don’t believe what we pray or say and that’s when satan comes right on in to discourage us. So remember that. God never talks doubt, failure, unbelief, or discouragement. And God doesn’t say anything that doesn’t line up with His word!!!!

One day I heard someone speaking to me and I KNEW it was satan because it didn’t line up AT ALL with God’s word and it was so simple. This wasn’t something where I had to KNOW every scripture either. It was like a, How Sway, moment because I was like…that don’t even line up in NO WAY, I don’t care how you look at it. It’s not even legally possible. I started hollering in a high pitch voice like comedian Shirleen LOL…YOU GET OUTTA HERE DEVIL WITH THAT MESS! Gone on nah! The enemy will always try you, so make sure your prayer game is strong. Get into such a relationship with God and the Word of God, and your discernment to know will get stronger and stronger every day.

Alright, I pray you have an awesome Fri-YAY and be blessed today!!

Word from God

Word from God