Yes God Can Forgive That Too!

Yes God Can Forgive That Too!

Contemporary English Version

Contemporary English Version


Have you ever done something and wondered if God can forgive that? Well He can! The Lord is a forgiving Father and there is NOTHING you have done that He can’t forgive you for. He forgives for ALL we have done!

This morning, after I prayed and opened my Bible randomly for the scriptural surprise, I ended up in the 16th chapter of Ezekiel. The title of the chapter kind of threw me off for a second because it said “Jerusalem, An Unfaithful Wife.” I was like…oh goodness, what is this going to be about today Lord? To be totally honest, I was really wanting something light this morning and not heavy, and unfaithfulness is heavy. LOL. But before I allowed my mind to go off into full analyzation mode, I opened myself up for whatever the Holy Spirit wanted to do this morning. And I want to encourage you to be like that too. Don’t look at something and think you know how God will use it, because you don’t! Just let the Holy Spirit do what He does.

Here’s what He did for me this morning! I pray this message resonates with you too!

  • You’re only as good as your current obedience.

  • Your good ways as a kid will not save you as a bad adult.

  • You must live good and righteous for today because your previous good living will be forgotten if you turn to sin.

So as I was hearing from the Holy Spirit on this whole ‘living right for right now’ theme, I thought about how God provided the children of Israel with daily manna when they were in the wilderness. They couldn’t store it up for later. They had to trust God to provide every single day. That’s what I believe the Lord is saying this morning, you can’t store up the good ole days when you were doing right by God. Your obedience back then is not what God will judge you on today. Your way of living today is what he is looking at today! His mercies are new every day so stop thinking you can live any kind of way today because you USED TO go to church, and you USED TO be celibate, or you USED TO not talk like that, or you USED TO pay your tithes. Whatever you USED TO do that was good will be forgotten if you start being disobedient today!

You can’t keep using that time you WAS in the church as a means to justify your non-church behavior now. God is saying, but how are you right now? Are you righteous now or are you being wicked now? And when you read Ezekiel, you’ll also see that Momma, Big Momma, Grandma can all pray for you, but only what YOU do will determine your place with God. The Lord judges us according to our actions today.

In my new book, Permission Slips , I talk a lot about growing up the church and how I was there every single Sunday but still wasn’t fully surrendered to God and living right. I believe sometimes the enemy will deceive us into thinking that because we go to church every Sunday that we are living righteous. NOPE! You can be delivering the whole sermon and singing a duet for the choir and still not being living right!!

Today God is saying if you will turn from your wicked ways, obey Me, and do what is right and just, you will save your life and be made righteous with Me, your Father God. He really doesn’t want us to die because we live in sin (Ezekiel 18:32), but He want us to turn from our sins so we can live!

Be encouraged today to stop justifying how you are living off of old grace, old mercy, old prayers, and old church attendance. God is saying what are you doing TODAY though? How are you living today though? Repent today and then trust God to give you new mercy every single day to live a life that is right and just!



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A Word from God.

A Word from God.

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