Encouragement Ink

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You Look Just Like Your Daddy!

You Look Just Like Your Daddy!

New Living Translation


People always say I look like my Mom when they see her. That’s usually because they haven’t seen me next to my Daddy! Most of the time, people are only looking at my skin tone and making this determination that I look like my mother. But when you see my Daddy…I actually look JUST LIKE HIM! The only difference IS… my lighter skin tone.

This morning, me and the Holy Spirit had a conversation about authenticity and being who God made me to be. My scriptural surprise backed the conversation up (that’s exactly what reading the Word will do). I read 1 Thessalonians 4 and 5 and the prayer closet was THE PLACE TO BE this morning! Here what me and the Holy Spirit chatted about this morning:

  • Be who I made you to be.

  • Everything flows when you just be who I made you to be.

  • You’re uniquely made for MY purpose.

  • Whatever comes natural to you, only needs Me to make it supernatural.

  • I put My super on your natural. I can’t put My super on your pretend self, a copycat version, or you trying to be someone else.

  • Discover who I made you to be by spending more and more time with ME daily. I will reveal to you who I made you to be. Nothing should BE more important to you than spending time with Me. I can tell you the things you need to know.

  • You were created in My image, so getting to know Me will help you get to know you!

As I was having this conversation with the Holy Spirit, I realized something. The enemy will always try to keep us from learning who God made us to be. He will try to confuse us with other images of who we should aspire to be when God ALREADY created us in HIS image. So we don’t need an image consultant to tell us who we are, we simply need to consult the IMAGE CREATOR!! That’s a shout right there! We out here trying to dress like this person and be like that person when the Bible says we have ALREADY been created GODLIKE! That means all you have to do is BE YOU! Be who God made you and everything in your life will flow because you’re being authentically who He made you to be.

We all look like our Daddy…our Father in Heaven. Now the question is, are we reflecting His nature in our everyday walk? Are we truly BEING like Him? The only way to know how to be like Him is to get to know Him. And the only way to get to know Him is to study Him. And the only way to study Him is to spend time with Him in prayer and in His word. The bible is God breathed so when you spend that time reading, the Bible will come to life and you’ll be able to SEE who you really are…in Him!

Check out 1 Thessalonians 4 and 5 too. It really blessed me to read those two chapters this morning. I needed to hear (read the Word out loud because faith comes by hearing the Word) everything that was in chapter 4 and 5 today. It was a reminder to:






These are just a few of the “BE’s” that I found while reading, but both of these chapters are really good at helping you understand how to BE the you that God created you to be. And in chapter 5, verse 17, it says: “Keep on praying.”

I am so thankful that my prayer life is non-negotiable and consistent! Talking to God every morning helps me to BE who I am…and that’s who He created me to BE!

Hearts and Hugs!


If you’re not a believer and have a desire to be, openly confess and declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer out loud, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community and start having a conversation through prayer with God every day. And let me be the first to welcome you to your new life with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. YAAAAY!!!!! You made the best decision you could ever make! Feel free to email me at info@onassignmentbyGod.com and let me know about your newfound life or if you need prayer for anything.

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