Identity Christ...Us!

This morning I felt a strong weight to pray for those who suffer from identity crisis. 

Then I heard the word identity.

One definition of identity is being who or what a person or thing is. A second definition is: a close similarity or affinity. A synonym to the word identity would be sameness.

Then I heard crisis.

Crisis is defined as a time of intense difficulty, trouble, or danger.

Then I heard identity Crisis. But right after hearing identity crisis, I heard identity in Christ!

Identity Crisis ——->>> Identity in Christ

From crisis to Christ!!! 

A few days we were talking about crying out. When I read Psalms 34 today because today is 3/4, verse 17 in that 34th chapter says: The righteous cry out and the Lord hears, and rescues them from their troubles. Verse 18 says: The Lord is near the broken-hearted; he saves those crushed spirit. Going back a few verses, we see in verse 6 it says: This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him and saved him from his troubles.

As I was praying and reading this, I realized that when we are suffering from an identity crisis, we are in trouble. But when we are in trouble, we can call on the God who created us and He will rescue us and save us. Crisis averted! Actually Christ averted! That means Jesus Christ prevented, stopped, and caused you to avoid the trouble that tried to prevail regarding who you are. Christ averted the crisis with what He did on the cross!

This morning I was thinking about how so many of us use filters on social media (yes me included) and how many young people are dealing with identity crisis. We have parents out here being okay with their kids wanting to be another gender. It’s a real crisis in our world today. We all want to look like this person or be someone else.

The Holy Spirit said this: When you alter your image, you insult Me. You come out of purpose when you alter who I created and purposed you to be. Be cautious of the subtleties that suggest image alterations. I know WHO I made you to be. I made you for MY GLORY. I created you to make a mark in MY STORY.  

We are HISstory Makers! 

“Then God said, “Let us make human beings so that they are like us. Let them rule over the fish in the seas and the birds in the sky. Let them rule over the livestock and all the wild animals. And let them rule over all the creatures that move along the ground.” So God created human beings in his own likeness. He created them to be like himself. He created them as male and female.” — ‭‭Genesis‬ ‭1:26-27‬ ‭NIRV‬‬

May we find our identity in the God who CREATED us in His image. Any other image is counter (counterfeit) to the Creator’s creation. John 1:3, says all things were made by Him and without Him was made nothing, that was made. God made you in HIS image, therefore you identity should always be in CHRIST, not in crisis.


If you don’t know Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior and you’re not a believer, but you have a desire to be, all you have to do is openly confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community, stay connected to other believers, and start having daily conversations through prayer with God every single day. Welcome to your new life with Jesus Christ!!!


  1. What did Holy Spirit say to you in your conversation with Him this morning?

  2. Who do you identify with? (I pray it’s Jesus Christ).

  3. Identify the characteristics of Christ so that you can see yourself!

  4. Record yourself reading the Word of God on video or audio and watch how God will use your own voice to give you revelation and build your faith (keeping this assignment on here for a while).

  5. Leave me a message! Text Me at 601-299-4398! Share this blog post/podcast with someone who needs encouraging. Share buttons below.

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