I am the Standard

“I am the Standard”

“Cling to your faith in Christ, and keep your conscience clear. For some people have deliberately violated their consciences; as a result, their faith has been shipwrecked.” 1 Timothy 1:19


I just love Saturday morning prayer time. I don’t have to get kids off to school and rush. I get to spend more time with The Holy Spirit. This morning was absolutely that. The Lord told me that some assignments are just for me to sit and listen to him. Not all assignments are go go go!

During prayer time this morning, I had a very emotional moment where I felt The Holy Spirit just hug me and say I love you and I am proud of you. It was right in the middle of me praying for God to use me more. Here is how our conversation started this morning as I began praying in the Spirit:

  • Line up with Me and My Word. Don’t get caught up by people who speak words. Whatever they say, make sure it lines up with My Word.

  • You don’t always have to hear Me through other people. I can speak to you directly and you can hear me directly.

  • Spend time with Me. Don’t spend so much time with them. (Anybody that is not Me, is them).

  • Only way to hear My voice is to listen.

  • Don’t get stuck in a routine rut. Pause and collect yourself and I will collect your thoughts (HERE IS WHERE I repositioned myself in my prayer closet).

I felt the Holy Spirit telling me to get into a different position for prayer. I had been walking back and forth praying in the Spirit and that’s where I felt Him say be still for a minute and just listen.

At that moment, I got still. I heard Him say so clearly I love you and I am proud of you. The tears began to run down my face and I started crying as a child would cry when a parent just stops everything around them and shows more love than ever before. It felt so good to feel the Presence of The Holy Spirit wrap His arms around me.

The funny thing is I had put a wrap around me when I first went into my prayer closet because I was a bit cold and I said out loud…come on Holy Spirit, let’s get cozy. I laughed and then went into my routine of prayer, first by giving adoration and praise. It was like The Holy Spirit waited for a while and then said…Okay, let’s get real cozy because you really need a hug and I want you to know how much I love you. How amazing is that?

See I had gone into the prayer closet with my usual routine and Holy Spirit let me get going and then He said don’t get stuck in that routine rut of prayer. I will do a new thing today. Just follow my lead. And that’s what I did. That’s how I felt the hug and the enormous love.

After this moment, I sat there for a while and my thoughts begin to wander. I had watched a video last night on Periscope and Holy Spirit said the following when my thoughts wandered to what I heard last night on the video:

  • Be careful who you listen to and what you listen to.

  • The enemy uses what you expose yourself to to talk to you. Be careful of what you expose yourself to. It will get into your thoughts. Come to me and refocus. Father + Fon = Focus.

  • Stop scrolling and start scribing (He was really on me about being on social media because He kept going).

  • Have a set time for social media or it will eat up your time and expose you to stuff that I never meant for you to see, hear, or think about.

So evidently when Holy Spirit was telling me this, I had this thought: But Lord, I’m looking at inspirational stuff, and here is what He came with next:

  • Even inspirational can be controversial. You think you’re going on social media for inspiration only, but the enemy knows that, so he will get into that too (WOW!). Then I heard something that had to be for someone else because I don’t do this at all. He said: The time you spend DIRECT MESSAGING ME will keep you from sliding into Direct Mess (DMs). I was like, Holy Spirit, wait, I have never done that. He said read it again. Then I saw it. The revelation for me was to stay in direct connection by talking to HIM and it will keep me from talking or being a part of any mess. But I really felt in my spirit that the way He said it, will be exactly the way someone else needed to hear it. #I’mbeingobedient

I love how the Holy Spirit navigates our conversations to cover so many areas of my life because then I felt him give me direction in business.

  • He said: I AM THE STANDARD. Don’t get caught up (on social media again) looking at other people as the standard. I set the standard.

  • Read my Word to arm yourself with everything about me so you will know the Standard.

  • Not everybody spiritual got my permission. Some did get my permission, but they have gone off script and are not being led by me…COMPLETELY. So don’t get caught up.

  • Some people that you thought I was showing you for inspiration, were actually people I was showing you what NOT to do. There are some people I simply want you to pick up strategies from ONLY. Don’t duplicate what they are doing. That’s not all Me in that business.

  • I got you operating on a higher level Fon, remember our conversation from yesterday?

  • Don’t forget that I allowed you to start something from scratch for a reason. Don’t look at other businesses thinking I can’t work through you (again) to DO something even greater. I AM THE STANDARD! (Holy Spirit said stop looking at them other businesses so much, I’m the Standard you will operate by). You will draw your inspiration from Jesus!

And lastly as I sat there taking it all in as the Holy Spirit gave it to me, I heard this: If Jesus were on social media, He would definitely have a lot of followers and likes, but Jesus would only be actually FOLLOWING ONE, THE FATHER (if HE was on social media). The comment section on Jesus posts would be off the chain because the enemy would be spamming and trolling and probably pretending to be a graphic designer who can do cartoons (LOL)! The Holy Spirit knows that I love to laugh and this was soooo funny to me because I could see a Christian comedian saying this (hmmm, maybe I can write Christian comedy). LOL! I really need to get some emojis on this blog.

Anyway, our Father knows the desires of our hearts and when we spend time with Him, He will definitely give it to us.

Happy Saturday!!

Word from God

Word from God