Don't Compromise

Don’t Compromise

“Oh that my steps might be steady, keeping to the course you set.” Psalm 119: 1-8 MSG (only a portion of the verses).


t’s Monday and I am coming off of a super blessed weekend! My Sunday was amazing! This medium is strictly for sharing what God said in my prayer time so I won’t add that story here, but you can go check out my Facebook page to find out how God blessed me and my son on Sunday at church. God is absolutely AWEsome and He will do exceedingly above all you can even THINK!

This morning during prayer time I got up a bit sleepy. I kept pushing and figured I could pray the tired away. Nope. After hearing the Holy Spirit speak to me on several things which I will note below, He ended our time by saying, “go to bed earlier; be aggressive with your bedtime and don’t compromise it. When you’re sleep, you’re not 100% rested. I need you to be PREPARED FOR PRAYER! I have so much more for you Fon! Stay motivated and stay consistent.

I asked Holy Spirit to forgive me because I definitely wanted to be used in FULL and to be 100% ready. Before that though, this is what He said (notice Holy Spirit still used me anyhow):

  • If you have any cracks in the foundation, small things the size of ants can creep in. I AM the Seal to any cracks in your foundation.

  • Be patient and wait for me to show you why certain people are being positioned for you to see them. Don’t try to figure it out on your own. Wait on me.

  • Get your plan together and run it by me first. Any idea I give you, make a plan (this was very much in line with the words I heard in church yesterday from Christian Success Coach Dave Martin.

  • Keep writing. People want to hear your stories.

  • Share the blog (insert bucked eyes here). Me: Deep sigh…okay God.

  • Do everything with excellence while being obedient.

  • I need you to NOT fall back into any old ways. Keep the new ways going.

I am so thankful for every moment I get to spend in the Presence of the Lord. This morning’s sleepiness was definitely not a good feeling. And the crazy part is, I knew last night when I was still up scrolling Instagram that I should have been sleep. See previous posts where God said watch how much scrolling you doing. Either way, I should have been asleep and I got that message loud and clear from Holy Spirit this morning. Tonight…going to bed earlier! No compromises. Can’t wait to share tomorrow how awesome God is!

Word from God

Word from God