Encouragement Ink

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New Levels...Lean Harder

New Levels…Lean Harder

“Then Jesus told them, “I tell you the truth, if you have faith and don’t doubt, you can do things like this and much more. You can even say to this mountain, ‘May you be lifted up and thrown into the sea,’ and it will happen.”

Matthew 21:21


Going to a new level means new everything. This morning during prayer time, I knew I was on a new level. I had been fasting for the last three days and when I woke up this morning, I felt like I had gone up to another level. Notice I didn’t say next level, because the height of the level today gave me so much pause in my breath that I knew I had skipped some levels. As I began to pray on this new level, I felt some old stuff trying to get to the new level. It wasn’t climbing up the mountain to reach me, it was cheating by trying to come in through my thoughts. Being on a new level allows you to recognize and discern the enemy muuuuch quicker. The Holy Spirit said this:

  • Lean and depend on me. Trust what you can’t see.

  • Stop thinking about old stuff. It has been cast into the sea of forgetfulness and you have picked up a new assignment.

  • You are STRONG.

  • Lean harder on me in the new level. The enemy has already been defeated on the new level. We stepped on the enemy as we ascended to the new level.

  • It ain’t nothing old on the NEW LEVEL.

As I continued to pray and listen to the interpretation from the Holy Spirit. He said, it ain’t nothing old on the new level and we have actually skipped levels through divine acceleration. My thoughts and ways are higher and the altitude that we are on now is higher. You have to lean on me even more because this is a new level. When I changed your level, the altitude changed, and everything in your body changed. You might be a little dizzy at first, but lean on me and I promise not to let you fall. Breathe in and breathe out. Get your breath in sync with mine and I will help you get settled into this new level. You can see and discern a lot from up here. Don’t look down. Everything you need in this season is on this level. From here, we can only go higher.

I prayed even more in the Spirit and then I heard new assignments will cancel out the old and incomplete assignments! The grade level you are on now requires you to get A’s on the new assignment so you can stay above average.

Don’t do what you did on the old assignments. And let me remind you of what you did on the old assignments so you will know exactly what NOT to do. When I gave you assignments in the past, you didn’t complete them; they were half done; you didn’t prep properly; you didn’t study; you didn’t ask me to help you. Don’t do that anymore. You know what to do and how to do it. I’m a Jeremiah 33:3 away if you get stuck.

Let the new assignments I give you pull your grade level of life up!

Remember, we are on a new level now.

Word from God