Encouragement Ink

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Check Your Deadline!

Check Your Deadline!

“But don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves.” James 1:22 NLT


Thank you God for a new day to do YOUR will, not mine.

Since I shared this blog, I have felt a weight of responsibility on me, and at first it felt heavy. I was like Lord, I do NOT want to mess up on this. People are watching now Lord. It’s not just me and you anymore. God said, “I would not have given you this responsibility a year ago. I would not have even given it to several months ago. I could only give it to you when I knew I could trust you to handle it. Remember, you’re not writing. I AM.”

I could really stop right there for today, but of course, The Holy Spirit gave me so much more during morning prayer today so let’s get into on this Fellowship Friday!! I just made that up. But hey, let’s fellowship and talk about what God said to me this morning:

  • Don’t let the assignments I give you pile up on you because of procrastination. Do them NOW!

  • What are you waiting on? When I give you an assignment, it means I know you are capable of completing it. Anything other than you completing it, is a trick of the enemy.

  • Don’t get caught up playing around when you are supposed to be doing your assignment.

  • Get going early! Don’t wait till it’s late to work. Get up earlier to work. Get up early to pray and early to do MY work.

  • If you ever feel pressure on your assignment, something in your life is out of alignment. Pray!

  • I STILL will give you the desires of your heart (this moment was out of the blue for me during prayer, and I had to confess to God that I do still want the love He has for me. At one point, I had said I didn’t have to have it, but God knows us inside and out. We can fool everyone else, but when He says something like this…that further confirms that He knows me better than I know myself. So YES God, I STILL want those desires of my heart!)

  • Stop trying to force fit what you want into the plan I already have for you (So right when I said I still want the desires of my heart, I had a vision, and God quickly said what He said. I then said, I trust you completely Lord).

  • Your finances Fon…that’s an assignment you forgot to put on your list yesterday. It’s one that I always want you working on. It’s considered a long-term assignment.

When I say the Holy Spirit be on it in the morning time, He be ON IT! If you’re new to my blog and this is your first time reading it, I want to make sure you understand what I am writing and how this all comes about.

In the morning, I wake up early and pray for 1 hour. I pray in my known voice, and I also pray in the Spirit, which means unknown tongues. Only God knows what I am saying. But I do ask Holy Spirit to interpret and speak a word to me that I DO understand. I then listen and write down what I hear in my journal. What you see on the blog is what I write down in my journal. I use bullet points to break up the information because often times, it’s not all related to the same thing. The Holy Spirit speaks to me about several things. And sometimes, I believe it’s not just for me. Praying in the spirit allows me to not be selfish in my prayers. You know, just talking about me and mine. That actually was the part I didn’t know about when I first accepted the challenge of praying for 1 hour. I was like, how God? The reason I didn’t know how is because I didn’t know how to pray in the Spirit (As God leads me, more to come on that).

Again, I just wanted to help you understand what you’re reading when you read My Conversations With God.

Now, one more thing before I go. I didn’t share this above because I believe God was giving me details on an assignment that I will share later. But I did write down a vision God gave me and begin to sketch what I heard. I can’t wait to see how God will manifest the vision I had today. I will say this…it has a lot to do with writing!

Thank you so much for reading and sharing this blog! May God speak to you, encourage you, and challenge you to hear the calling He has put on your life. Check the deadline on your assignments by God. Something may be due today. If so, DO IT NOW!

Urgent Obedience!

Hugs and Love,


Word from God