The Believer's Benefits Package!

God’s Word.

God’s Word.


In obedience, the On Assignment By God Blog, now has an audio feature where you can listen to this blog!! Thank you for your prayers as I continue to be obedient and do what God says! Happy Listening!!

This morning I want to welcome you to The Christian Believer’s Orientation!!! We are so glad that you are here and are excited for what this means to your life, and to the Kingdom of God!!! As a member of the Kingdom of God, there are a few things I want to share with you regarding your benefits package. Now I know some of you have been a member of the Kingdom for a while (some of you since childhood), but for whatever reason, you were never informed about all the benefits. That changes today! We know the competitor has been out there trying his best to pull you over to his side, and we felt it very important that we share some GOOD NEWS with you that will help you understand who you really are, whose you really, and the agenda and mission you are on, since your acceptance of Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.

Now, grab your journal, a pen, and your manual. We have some new manuals for those of you who don’t have one. And I see that some of you brought your own which is good. Some of them look like they have been used quite a bit and that’s awesome! And some of your manuals look like you haven’t used them as much. That’s okay. We realize that you probably didn’t know there were treasures and all kinds of tips in there for you, so today we will cover some of that as well, but it’s key for you to understand that today is just the start, not the finish. You will definitely need to sign up for the continuation courses, which will benefit you significantly! I also noticed that some of you have manuals in other languages that you don’t speak. Make sure you get with our manual team in the back. They have manuals in different translations and I am sure there is one back there that will speak directly to you in a language that you can understand.

Now, if everyone is settled and ready to get started. I want to bring out the one whose in charge of all of this so that you can meet Him and get to know Him on a more personal level. And He definitely wants to get to know you on a more personal level. Some of you have already gotten to know Him on a more personal level, and He talks about you all the time. He gets so excited talking about all the things you’ve come to Him and shared and asked about. He just loves when you have come to Him first. Nothing brings more joy to Him than when you praise Him for WHO He is.

— In Walks Jesus—-

Hey Y’all! Welcome to On Assignment by God, your daily blog that features My Conversation With God. Today is Thursday, January 30, 2020. I am Fon Strong James, your host, and I just wrote out a scene that played in my head this morning during my time with God. As I was praying this morning, the Holy Spirit gave me this visual and these words/phrases:

  • Access

  • Fully Functional

  • Membership Benefits

  • Authority

  • Orientation

  • Benefits Package

  • What’s included when you sign up?

  • 401K Match

This morning I was praying for us as believers to know what it really means to be a Christian! For the last 11 months, I have experienced Christianity in a way that I never knew really existed. I have been in church since I was a child, but never have I experienced anything like what the Lord has shown me since I have been spending time with Him daily!

So this morning, when the Holy Spirit started talking to me, this whole vision that I just shared about came to me and here’s what else the Holy Spirit said:

What benefits as a believer in Jesus are you not accessing because you haven’t taken the time to get oriented?

There are benefits you have, that you’t not accessing because you are unaware of what’s all included.

Your religion routine has you stuck in a RUT that I never set up for you.

You need to call HR, your HEAVENLY RESOURCE and talk to the Head….the God Head about all the benefits, access, and gifts that are already yours!

There’s levels to this and it’s time for you to get off of the basic level of church attendance.

Y’all as I was writing all of this down, I started thinking about my career. I would have never been satisfied to be on a job for 20 plus years and be in the exact same position making the exact same money as when I started! After about 3 years, knowing me, I would have been making some moves. I would have been like, ain’t no way I am about to stay stuck in the same place.

Guess what? That’s how many of us are as believers though! There is more in the Kingdom to be accessed but you’re not taking the time to delight yourself in God and know what you have access to. And you aren’t alone! I used to be just like this 11 months ago.

The way being a believer has been presented to us in churches and religious settings, didn’t quite incentivize me to want to seek more. You know what I mean? You see church folks struggling. You see churches having building funds for years and years and not one single brick gets laid. You see folks hollering in church and calling on Jesus and then cussing in the parking lot. You see folks praying for stuff and never getting it. I mean come on. If you metaphorically, used church like your career, you would have been said, “nah, this right here is not it!” But we don’t do that? Why not? Why can we see a career one way, and not see our spiritual growth through that same lens?

The Kingdom of God is not “promoted” as THE PLACE TO BE! I mean it is in some places, but in most places, from my experience, it’s been condemnation or mostly a place where people run from because they feel like they can’t fit in. And that’s the furthest from the truth!

Instead of understanding and being oriented on the amazing benefits that come with being a believer, we end up being lured to more money or more access from the competition…satan! You see people living a certain way, and they’re not quite doing it God’s way, but they are living their best life, so you end up being recruited to the wrong side. You get access but you have to sell your soul to do it. Then you get over there and realize it was all a set up to pull you away from the Kingdom agenda and your real purpose, and now you want out!

I am so thankful that God will welcome us back with open arms. He never wanted you to leave in the first place. You have to recognize that the reason you can easily be lured to what seems like something better is because you don’t know what you already have as a believer! Stuff like:

  • Gifts of the Holy Spirit

  • Dominion

  • Authority to heal

  • Authority to cast out demons!

  • The ability to sow seeds and reap harvests that you don’t even have room enough to store it all!

  • A purposeful calling that you can’t wait to wake up and do everyday (see if you’re waking up and going to a job that makes you miserable, then you’re missing out on a major benefit of Kingdom Living and being a believer!

  • Being fruitful and multiplying! (If you ain’t received multiplied blessings, again…you’re missing out!

  • A Benefits Package that is out of this world (literally)!!

  • Restoration and Retroactive pay!

There are way more benefits to being a believer and today I hope that I have been able to just peek your interest enough for you to take a Matthew 6:33 action step!

But put God’s kingdom first. Do what He wants you to do. Then all those things will also be given to you. Matthew 6:33 NIRV

Jesus Walks In Excitedly ======>>> Hey ________ (insert your name)!!! Thank you so for putting me first! Now let’s have a conversation about our relationship going forward, your assignment, and all the blessings you have access to because of your obedience.

P.S. The manual is your Bible! And you know I love the Tony Evans Study Bible! LOL!!


Check out your assignment questions for today. Take a moment to reflect and then answer the questions in your journal. Pray. Listen. Write. Obey.

Your Assignment For Today:

What did God say to YOU in your conversation with Him this morning?

Have you gone over your Believer’s Benefit Package?

Do you understand what all is included in your Believer’s Benefits Package?

Check out a few resources that I found highlighting the benefits of being a believer!

Today’s Scriptural Surprise is Hosea 1-3!

Today’s Scriptural Surprise is Hosea 1-3!


If you’re not a believer and have a desire to be, openly confess and declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer out loud, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community and start having a conversation through prayer with God every day. And let me be the first to welcome you to your new life with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. YAAAAY!!!!! You made the best decision you could ever make! Feel free to email me at and let me know about your newfound life or if you need prayer for anything.

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