Benchmark Tests!
God’s Word
This week my kiddos are taking benchmark tests at their school. These tests are given every nine weeks to determine how well the kids are learning the course work. Now I will say this, I am not a big fan of tests. I used to even say that I am not a test taker. I stopped saying that because the enemy was using it against me. Remember the power of life and death is in the tongue. What we say, we see. I am going to SAY THAT AGAIN! What we say with our mouth, we will see with our eyes. We were created in the likeness and image of God so we function just like Him. That’s how He created us. My pastor Joel Simms said this on Sunday, “God said. The God saw.” He illustrated the point by having us turn to Genesis in our bibles. Genesis 1:3-4
Then God SAID, “Let there be light,” and there was light. God SAW that the light was good, and God separated light from darkness.
My point in sharing this is that I had to stop saying I wasn’t a good test taker! I am a great test taker! Whatever I say, I will see in my life. Write that down!
Okay, back to the kids taking the tests this week. This morning I made sure they had a good breakfast and we joined hands to pray. Now we don’t do this every morning, but we do join hands and pray often. Plus they know Mommy is praying in the prayer closet er’day!! LOL!
When I opened my brand new Tony Evans Study Bible for the Scriptural Surprise (and no I will not stop saying that because I love this Bible and you will just have to keep hearing it until you get your own…LOL!!!) But when I opened the Bible, I landed in John, chapter 6. The verse that stood out to me was verse 6:
He asked this to test him, for he himself knew what he was going to do. John 6:6 Christian Standard Bible
When I read this verse, the Holy Spirit said to me:
Don’t be alarmed at the tests I will send your way. You have come a very long way. Tests are only to ensure you have retained what you have learned so that you can use it. They also show YOU where you are, so that YOU can choose what you will do. I already know where you are, but I can’t choose for YOU what you will do when YOU see where you are. I am always here to help you though.
And that’s when I realized that my kids weren’t the only ones being benchmark tested. God will often have us do a test to apply what we have learned. So that means if you are growing spiritually, be ready for a pop quiz to come at any time. I see pop quizzes as those things in life that come up unexpectedly. Will you curse when the tire blows out or will you pass the test and trust God that your assigned angel is with you to get it all worked out with ease? Will you go crazy when they let you go from the job or will you trust God to know that He already has something else lined up for you, but He wants to see how you pass the test first?
See God can’t let us go to the next grade level in life, if we can’t pass the tests on our current level!! WOW! My son is in the 3rd grade and here in the state of Mississippi, you can’t pass to the 4th grade unless you pass the GATE test. A lot of parents find it to be the most stressful year of elementary school because of the weight of this test, but the GATE test ain’t bigger than GOD. So I don’t let it add any weight to me or my son. We study, prepare, and do the work, and trust God that what has been learned will be applied on the test, and my son will get the victory!!!
What life tests have you had to keep repeating because you’re not studying the Word of God, praying, or retaining what you’ve learned from past mistakes? When it comes to relationships, I have taken tests and flunked on some major levels. Like real talk. I have gotten more “F’s” in that area of my life than anything. And guess why? Because I didn’t APPLY what I was learning. I didn’t apply myself. I just kept doing the same things over and over, expecting that it would change. But not this time. I SAID I will have healthy, God-ordained relationships from now on, and I have been studying exactly what that means according to scripture, not Instagram or Facebook or the latest cultural magazines. Those are not the right study guides. They will have you out here repeating the same failures over and over!! Ya heard me!
Let’s be encouraged to pass the test together! Are you with me? Whether it be in our work, our relationships, our parenting, our finances, or just life period. Let’s learn how to do it right, and then when we get tested, we apply what we have learned and expect next level blessings!! AMEN! I love y’all so much and I can’t wait to hear about you passing the tests!
I once heard a story about a person who took the bar exam a whole bunch of times and was discouraged that it took them so many times before they passed, but the point of the story was, no one will ever ask a lawyer how many times did it take you to pass the bar when seeking their services. No one will ask a hairstylists how many times did it take you to pass the state board. NO ONE ASKS YOU HOW MANY TIMES DID IT TAKE YOU TO GET IT UNLESS THEY THEMSELVES NEED ENCOURAGEMENT TO KEEP GOING SO THEY CAN GET IT TOO.
Be encouraged this morning. My son said his teacher incentivized them with treats if they simply show progress on the benchmark test. That’s what we should all strive for…progress, not perfection. A purpose-filled life is a journey that requires us to always be learning and leveling up with the Master Teacher, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!!
Hearts & Hugs!
Hey, have you done all your Christmas shopping yet? Well now is the chance to get a life-changing book or encouraging tee-shirt for your family member, friend or co-worker. I will be like Amazon and get it out to you just in time for the holidays, so place your orders now at
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If you’re not a believer and have a desire to be, openly confess and declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer out loud, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community and start having a conversation through prayer with God every day. And let me be the first to welcome you to your new life with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. YAAAAY!!!!! You made the best decision you could ever make! Feel free to email me at and let me know about your newfound life or if you need prayer for anything.
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