How Do You Know You're Where God Wants You?

God’s Word

God’s Word


This morning, I was praying before I got out of bed. I know. You’re probably thinking I am some kind of praying super-hero huh? Well naw! I was praying before I got out of the bed because I didn’t want to get up. So I just started praying in the bed. Uhhhh. No. This is not quite what I have been encouraging you to do, but I don’t want you to ever think that I am perfect on this assignment. I ain’t always busting out A’s. I think I got a B today because I still got up to pray, but not before I tried to just pray in the bed. You know I fell back asleep though right? Like that’s not quite the right position to pray in. I mean you can pray in the Spirit on your face on the floor and be in perfect prayer position, but that mattress will have your praying in snores, not tongues. LOL!! LOL!! I am too tickled!! That was funny and y’all know it!! LOL LOL LOL!!

Okay Okay, so check this out. I was praying this morning and I was excited to grab my Bible and do the Scriptural Surprise. Why? You already know why! But I will say it for the people who may have skipped a few blogs this week. I GOT A NEW BIBLE!!! Go back and read the other blogs for this week so you can read my excitement!!! But again, if I was selling Bibles, I would be making a ton of money at this point because I just absolutely love this Tony Evans Study Bible. It’s like I finally have the Bible Cheat Sheet or something. LOL!!

So I flipped open to 2 Thessalonians and read chapters 1-3. See if you get the Tony Evans Study Bible, you will know the purpose and the message of this whole book of the Bible!! Per the Tony Evans Study Bible, Paul wrote this letter to correct doctrinal error because many of the Thessalonian Christians were confused. How many of us are confused today because we have bibles that we don’t understand??? You better invest in you a Tony Evans Study Bible. That’s all I got to say on that (not really). But anyway, so I was reading the verses, and then I of course read the STUDY NOTES!! Listen!!! Them study notes is dope y’all!! I mean you understand the Bible like never before and I promise you I am not exaggerating. I am a pretty smart chic, but them study notes will have me out here being extra smart and knowledgeable about God’s Word, ya heard me!! And we ALL need that extra knowledge to live in this world. Can I get an Amen? AMEN!

So again, I am reading and after I finished reading, I said, “Holy Spirit, speak to me.” And He said, “What do you still need to surrender over to me?” Now y’all know when I say I heard Him speak, it wasn’t audible. It was that voice that you’re familiar with. The one that speaks life into you, encouragement, and truth. If it’s a voice of doubt, discouragement, and lies…then that’s definitely not the Holy Spirit. And you should immediately say GET OUT OF HERE satan IN THE NAME OF JESUS! That was for somebody who was questioning if they are hearing from the Holy Spirit or not. Now back to the question that the Holy Spirit asked me:

The Conversation


Holy Spirit: “What do you STILL need to surrender over to Me?”

Me: “Knowing what’s next.”

Holy Spirit: “Do you trust Me?”

Me: “I do Lord.”

Holy Spirit: “Then let go of wanting to know. I am working everything out for your good. All you need to do is keep praying, keep being obedient, and keep studying My Word. Whenever you feel the need to know or you find yourself trying to figure it out again, open My Word to get peace of mind. I am the Peace you seek. You can’t get real and lasting peace anywhere else but from Me.”

Me: Thank you Holy Spirit. I will continue to seek YOU first, because you know what’s next and you’ll give me peace about where I am right now.


Now as we are having this conversation, I went back to my reading of 2 Thessalonians 3:16 where Paul ends his letter by saying: “May the Lord of peace himself give you peace always in every way. The Lord be with you all.” Then I looked at the study notes of this verse and got the whole revelation y’all!!! This is what I got!

I am where God wants me to be when I am intentionally and purposefully in His word regardless of how I feel or what’s going on in my life and God will personally validate that I am where He wants me to be, by giving me His peace. Per the study notes, His peace is a harmony on the inside always in every way — that is, regardless of our circumstances.

This is how you will know you are where God wants you. You have His peace.

Hearts & Hugs & God’s Peace To You Today… if you don’t have it! Remember though, you have to intentionally be in His Word to get His peace!


Hey, have you done all your Christmas shopping yet? Well now is the chance to get a life-changing book or encouraging tee-shirt for your family member, friend or co-worker. I will be like Amazon and get it out to you just in time for the holidays, so place your orders now at


P.S. My latest book, Permission Slips is out!! Get one or more for your family and friends for Christmas! Order your gifts today. Books are forever! An inspirational book signed by the author never gets too tight in the waist or is the wrong size. LOL :-)


If you’re not a believer and have a desire to be, openly confess and declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer out loud, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community and start having a conversation through prayer with God every day. And let me be the first to welcome you to your new life with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. YAAAAY!!!!! You made the best decision you could ever make! Feel free to email me at and let me know about your newfound life or if you need prayer for anything.

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A Word from God.

A Word from God.


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Check out my new book release!!

Check out my new book release!!