Change Is SEEN, Not Heard!


My Daily Conversations With God


The release time for the blog is shifting. As the Holy Spirit shifts me in my prayer, I shift. The blog and podcast will now be coming out between 10 a.m. - 11 a.m. central standard time. Thank you for adjusting and thank you for your continued support.

Please Note: If the play button is not working, it most likely means I am still recording the audio. Please come back shortly to listen.

The first thing I heard from the Holy Spirit this morning is the word EVOLVE. Then He followed it by saying, You are evolving. I looked up the definition of evolve because as I always say, I never want to assume I know what it means and I always get more revelation when I dig deeper into what I hear the Holy Spirit saying to me.

Evolve means to develop, progress, advance, mature, grow, transform, expand, enlarge, alter, adapt, extend, spread, change, metamorphose, differentiate. It means to come forth gradually into being; to develop; to make someone or something change or develop gradually.

I know that over the last 17 months of my life, I have most certainly been changing and it all started when I WILLING sought after God daily during a commitment to spend time with Him every morning between 5 a.m. and 6 a.m.

The Holy Spirit kept talking and He said:

  • Let me guide you with My Word.

  • I can answer every question you have.

  • Don’t be shy about asking Me.

  • Think back to all the times you asked and I immediately answered.

  • Some answers will come immediately and some answers will take time.

  • While you wait, I want you to spend that time with Me.

  • Don’t spend the time complaining or pretending to wait patiently to yourself or to others.

  • You know there’s a reason for the wait, and if you wait WITH Me, not ON Me, you will have peace in the midst of the wait.

  • I love spending time with you.

That last part made me smile the widest smile. Imagine me sitting on the floor of my prayer closet (and my prayer closet is simply my clothes closet that I have turned into a space where I can go and have private conversations with my Father God. There is a stool with a blanket and two old couch throw pillows that I use to cushion my knees, or to prop behind me when I just sit on the floor. There is a white memory foam mat that I used to use in my bathroom that warms the floor. That’s it). I shared that because somebody is trying to create the perfect prayer closet before they start having a conversation with our perfect Lord and Savior. Just go in there and pray. I don’t even notice the clothes, the shoes, the dirty clothes hamper or anything else in there. My eyes are focused on Jesus. And He said to me…I LOVE SPENDING TIME WITH YOU!

He kept talking:

  • When you seek Me first, you will change and people will SEE the change!

  • Don’t look to other people to determine what it’s like to be in an intimate relationship with me. Our relationship is unique. I created you, so I know everything about you. Do you know everything about Me? Do you know at least some things about Me?

  • Some people respect humans in authority more than they respect Me.

  • I wasn’t impatient with you, so don’t be impatient with them. They are evolving too. Look at the definition again. It’s a gradual process. You didn’t change overnight, so don’t expect other people to. Keep praying for them.

  • Even when I am doing work on the inside, the change that’s taking place will always seep out.

  • You can always SEE the change in a person and on a person when it’s real.

  • Change is SEEN, not heard.

  • Evolution is SEEN, not heard.

  • Progress is SEEN, not heard.

Y’all know Holy Spirit was blowing my mind this morning and then He blew it even more when I randomly opened my Bible for the Scriptural Surprise to Joshua 24. Go and read that entire chapter. The first verse that stood out was one that I had heard and said many times. Joshua 24:15: As for me and my family, we will worship the Lord. This chapter of Joshua is so good and the Tony Evans Study Notes really helped me to get a better understanding of the scriptures. The study notes from verses 16-20, were right in line with what the Holy Spirit said about CHANGE IS SEEN, NOT HEARD. In these verses, the people were promising that they would certainly not abandon God. But in verse 19 Joshua was basically saying, talk is cheap, but actions prove your words.

When I moved further into the text, the study notes for verse 23 stood out. The verse itself says: Then get rid of the foreign gods that are among you and turn your hearts to the Lord, the God of Israel. Joshua 24:23. The study notes though!!! It says: Many people ask God why he’s not working in their circumstances, while they’re hugging their idol of choice at the same time. They don’t stop to consider that God’s inactivity may be a result of the fact that, like many in Israel, they aren’t WILLING to discard their idols.

Now check this out! While I was praying, I repented for having any idols that I wasn’t even aware of and those who I didn’t know I was even idolizing. An idol is any unauthorized person, place, or thing that we look to as a source of purpose, promise, or provision. An idol can be money, power, popularity, sex, influence, or a person. It can be a pastor or motivational leader. It can be your career. It can be success. Question for you: Are there any unidentified idols in your life that you look to as a source for purpose, promise, or provision?

We have only one ultimate source who meets all of our needs - GOD!

P.S. Be sure to press play above & listen to each episode as I always go deeper on the audio version.


  1. What did the Lord God say to you in your conversation with Him this morning?

  2. How do you remind yourself of what God has done for you? How often do you remind yourself?

  3. What serves as a constant reminder for you regarding the agreement you made to God?

  4. Are there any unidentified idols in your life that you look to as a source for purpose, promise, or provision?

    REMINDER: Don’t forget to read the Scriptural Surprise below and see what the Lord says to you about it.


If you’re not a believer and have a desire to be, openly confess and declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer out loud, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community and start having a conversation through prayer with God every day. And let me be the first to welcome you to your new life with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. YAAAAY!!!!! You made the best decision you could ever make! Feel free to email me at and let me know about your newfound life or if you need prayer for anything.

Check out today’s Scriptural Surprise!

Check out today’s Scriptural Surprise!

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My Conversations With God EBook - Volume One

My Conversations With God - Volume One is an e-book compilation of blogs written by Fon Strong James. This e-book allows you to have a collection of 24 blogs from the early days all in one place. It is the hope that you as the reader will be encouraged, inspired, and even prompted by the Holy Spirit. Dive into the this e-book to see the very beginning of this writing assignment given to the author by God, when He told her one morning during her prayer time to… “share our conversations.”

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