Be Generous

Be Generous!

Contemporary English Version

Contemporary English Version


Early morning prayer has been the secret to my changed life. I am telling you because it’s a secret I don’t want to keep to myself. I want everyone to experience this peace that I have, this smile that I have, and this stress-free way of living that I am totally enjoying. I don’t worry about anything anymore because I totally depend on God. I am so glad that I have decided to follow Jesus and there is no turning back, no, no, no…no, no, no….no turning back (that’s a song I sang as a child and it was brought to my remembrance last night during an awesome night of worship at my church). I just love how God reminds me that He has always been with me from the beginning.

Here’s my conversation with the Holy Spirit today:

  • You will help other people with their books (now when I heard this, I was like…how do you want me to do it? Soon as I asked how, check out the next thing I heard from the Holy Spirit).

  • I will tell you how. Wait for my instructions and don’t get ahead of me. (Okay, I got it Holy Spirit because my brain was already starting to think of

  • You and the kids will have a great summer. Plan it out with Me, and I will provide for it all.

  • Keep encouraging your family and sharing resources that will increase their faith, as you also increase your faith.

  • Always ask me what to do next (At this point, I asked the Holy Spirit what to do next and He answered, open your bible).

I opened my bible and looked at the page it opened to. It was Ecclesiastes 11 that immediately drew my attention. I begin to read and was simply in awe of where the Holy Spirit had led me at that moment. I literally had just been thinking about generosity as I sat and waited to hear from the Holy Spirit.

Lately I have been paying for other people’s meals, and a friend and I recently purchased a pair of Nikes for a super sweet waitress who served us extremely well, but was in desperate need of some good work shoes. It was random, but I heard the Holy Spirit tell me to get her some shoes as I was leaving the restaurant, so I did. Since then, I have been really in tune with hearing from the Holy Spirit on how I can be more generous. Other than verse 1 (pictured above), the other verse that stood out to me in Ecclesiastes was 11:6

Be sure to stay busy and plant a variety of crops for you never know which will grow — perhaps they all will. Ecclesiastes 11:6 New Living Translation

In the book, Prayers That Rout Demons by John Eckhardt, the following prayers and scriptures also stood out to me.

Psalm 1:3 - I meditate on the Word day and night, and whatever I do prospers.

Isaiah 48:17 - Lord, teach me to profit, and lead me in the way I should go.

Ezra 6:14 - I will prosper through the prophets and prophetic ministry (this was an answer to a pray that I had prayed this morning concerning my gift as a writer).

In reading all these prayers and verses, they all spoke to me on being generous, following God’s plan, and God providing me with everything I need! I just love when God puts it all together for me…and I wouldn’t be able to see it without this amazing prayer life. Try the prayer life! I promise you won’t regret it one bit!


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A Word from God.

A Word from God.