Don't Stop Now!
New International Version
Last night was a bit rough in my home. I had to cut an app from my daughter’s phone and she was not happy about it. I had initially said we would look at the app together so that I can ensure that she doesn’t get exposed to anything that her 11 year old mind shouldn’t be exposed to, and she was okay with that. Then I came back to my room and prayed about it and the Lord said, delete the app. I knew that would hurt her, but then He said, you were supposed to have deleted the app back this summer! I kept listening.
He said, The app has too much of a hold on her and it’s time to cut it tonight, not in the morning. She wasn’t happy when I came back in her room to tell her what the Lord had told me. She cried as if she had lost a friend! I kept asking her why she was crying so hard over the app. As her mother, it was breaking my heart to see her cry this way. She was legit crying like I had taken her entire phone away. The more she cried, the more I knew that I had heard the Lord say delete it.
I prayed with her and I told her that the devil is slick and while she may think that she is not being exposed to anything inappropriate, it actually won’t look or seem inappropriate, but it will seep into her mind unknowingly. Plus the app had become an idol. She was always on it dancing, and she tried to say to me, that’s all she does on it is dance and share dance videos with her friends. But I reminded her that the devil is slick and that’s not where his aim is. He wants you to be addicted to the app so much that you spend more time on the app, than you spend time reading your bible, praying, or just dancing with people in real life. The devil wants you to think that you have control over how much time you spend on it, but in reality, you don’t have control when you just get on it without even thinking. She still kept crying. I held her in my arms and told her I loved her so much. I let her cry it out. She cried and I prayed.
I realized that the Lord had BEEN told me to delete the app when she tried to do a cup challenge on the app back this summer, and sent me through the scariest parental moment of my life, which resulted in 13 stitches and medical bills. I was telling her then that she shouldn’t even want to hear the app’s name, let alone have it on her phone. But even that bloody incident wasn’t enough. The app that I had her delete was TikTok. I thought ensuring that only she and her friends being connected on the app was good, but the “For You” page was still accessible to her and while I have taught her not to look at anything inappropriate, anything can still pop up with a prompt to determine your interest or not. That pop up is enough crack for satan to slip through. And last night, in the mighty name of Jesus, we sealed that crack by deleting the whole app. I even told her ain’t nobody mad but the devil.
Listen, I don’t know what your proverbial “app” is that satan is using, but I do know that whatever the Lord has been convicting you about, must be cut off completely. It must die completely. Just like my daughter, you may cry for a while, but your obedience to the Lord is priority.
About a year ago, the Lord had been telling me to end a “situationship” because it was toxic and not of God, but I kept being disobedient. And my life felt like I was struggling. Then one day, the feeling got so strong that I knew I had to end it before the year ended. And when I did, I cried just like my daughter did. It hurt, but it had to happen. And once I cut it, cried, and called on Jesus, my whole life began to change. I also saw how the enemy had been using that whole situation to keep me from where I am in my life right now!!! As long as I was keeping that situation going, the less time I was focused on serving God. So while my daughter may have been upset last night, I am a living witness to what God will do when we are obedient to his instructions to delete, cut, and quit.
And guess what? The Holy Spirit just led me to share all of that because He and I had a whole other conversation this morning where He used the word “Keep” eleven times. I hear the Holy Spirit right now saying, once you cut it, I will KEEP you!! COME ON HOLY SPIRIT!!!! You are coming through this blog TODAY!!
Here’s what the Holy Spirit and I talked about this morning:
Keep obeying Me. I am your Lord.
Keep seeking Me. I am your Lord.
Keep reading My Word and other books about Me. I am your Lord.
Keep learning about Me. I am your Lord.
Keep listening to Me. I am your Lord.
Keep living righteous. I am your Lord.
Keep going. Don’t stop. I am your Lord.
Keep seeking to please Me. I am your Lord.
Keep living for Me. I am your Lord.
Only what you do for Me will last.
There is still time for you to accomplish what I want you to accomplish THIS YEAR.
Keep obeying and don’t second-guess My instructions.
You know my voice.
I pray that I have pleased you Lord by being transparent, and sharing our conversation this morning!
I pray for each person reading this to be obedient to cut, delete, or quit whatever it is that you have been telling them to let go of Lord. I pray they trust you and know that you will KEEP them in perfect peace.
Hearts and Hugs!
P.S. Have you gotten a signed copy of my book, Permission Slips yet? You did? Great! Now it’s time to get one or more for your family and friends for Christmas! Order your gifts today. An inspirational book signed by the author never gets too tight in the waist. LOL :-)
If you’re not a believer and have a desire to be, openly confess and declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer out loud, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community and start having a conversation through prayer with God every day. And let me be the first to welcome you to your new life with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. YAAAAY!!!!! You made the best decision you could ever make! Feel free to email me at and let me know about your newfound life or if you need prayer for anything.
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