To Properly Assemble Your Life, Read the Manual!
New International Version
This morning during prayer time, the Holy Spirit flowed through me in my journal! It was amazing! I was writing so fast, I could hardly keep up. I want to give it to you, just like He gave it to me…so here goes:
Read the Manual to Properly Assemble Your Life.
You can’t just live life looking at pictures as a guide, you must read the manual (the Bible) cover to cover. Everything we need is in God’s word to assemble our lives. You are born with everything you need. Nothing broken. Nothing missing. Nothing lacking.
Don’t just try to build your life or put it together without the manual (the Bible). You’re looking at pictures trying to assemble your life based on the pictures (social media), but then you end up with parts leftover from your life because you didn’t know where to really put them.
It’s just like when you buy an item in the store that you have to assemble; you get home and instead of reading the manufacturer’s instructions that are provided, you decide to build it by looking at the pictures only. You decide to figure it out on your own. And what happens when you do that is, you get leftover pieces and parts. And then the item ends up operating less than the way it was created. You’re the item. You’re not operating fully functional. You got A where B is supposed to be. Things are backwards in your life. Upside down in your life. Things are wobbling. You tried to force fit pieces into places that only looked like they should fit!!! Now you’re frustrated because it’s not working right!
But the manual was provided. The manual is full of instructions, yet you thought you could just look at the pictures. Yet you thought you already knew how to do it. You thought you knew how to live on this earth. You think you know how life is supposed to go because you saw the pictures only! But the manufacturer knows exactly what it takes to build and operate what He created. God is your manufacturer. Jesus is the model and the prototype. The Holy Spirit is the guide. The Bible is the manual. Prayer is the support line, the troubleshooting line, the warranty line, and the “need help” line. You are building a life with no instructions from the Creator, and you’re struggling.
Surrender trying to build your life by yourself, You weren’t designed to do life alone. You weren’t designed to be built by yourself. It’s a 4 man job. God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, and you. And when additional hands are needed, the manufacturer lets you know in the manual, and then sends them to you. You’re not building this life to please you, you’re building this life to please the Creator (our Father God). The picture that you used to build is a real picture of what it CAN be, but you can’t just look at the picture. To get the perfect picture, you must follow the instructions from the Creator of the picture.
Build your life for eternity, not just a rigged up version for earth. A rigged up life is not sustainable and not the way the Manufacturer intended for you to live.
Are you reading this and feeling tired and frustrated with how you built your life? Is your life just rigged up to be okay, but you know there is more to life than what you’re experiencing? Are there parts missing from your life? Call the Manufacturer through the prayer line and tell Him what’s going on. Then tell Him you surrender your plans and would like to be resent out His plans. He will provide you with another manual, send you every part that is missing, broken, or lacking. Jesus will fix it and make all things new!
I pray this message is received. I wrote it just the way the Holy Spirit gave it to me. Trust God with the building of your life. It will be picture perfect when you do.
P.S. I read Daniel, chapter 2 in the scriptural surprise today from the manual (the Bible). In my reading, I learned that can’t nobody tell you what a dream means other than God. He will reveal it to you. Read Daniel 2:20-23).
Hearts and Hugs!
P.S. Have you gotten a signed copy of my book, Permission Slips yet? You did? Great! Now it’s time to get one or more for your family and friends for Christmas! Order your gifts today. An inspirational book signed by the author never gets too tight in the waist. LOL :-)
If you’re not a believer and have a desire to be, openly confess and declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer out loud, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community and start having a conversation through prayer with God every day. And let me be the first to welcome you to your new life with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. YAAAAY!!!!! You made the best decision you could ever make! Feel free to email me at and let me know about your newfound life or if you need prayer for anything.
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