Do What You Already Know To Do

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When I think about all the ways you’ve made…

When I think about WHO you are…

When I think about how you’ve kept me MY WHOLE LIFE…

When I think about what you did for me on the cross…

I can’t help but to praise you, worship you, and give you thanks Lord!

This morning, the Holy Spirit told me that He loves to see me being obedient. He rejoices and all of heaven rejoices because my obedience moves His kingdom agenda forward. He said, the more you make yourself available to Me, the more I can use you for My Glory!

As I was listening, this thought dropped in my spirit. When someone in our family dies or something tragic or life altering happens in your life, people tend to respond with this phrase: Let me know if I can do anything. Now we know that most people mean well when they say it, but their actions don’t always usually follow up on what they have said. They want YOU to let THEM know. I had the thought: have we ever told God that? “God, Let me know if there is anything I can do for you.” Now I know many of us have said, “use me Lord,” even if we have just sung it in a song, but did we really put ourselves in a position for God to actually use us?

What if in both scenarios, we just did what we ALREADY KNEW in our hearts to do? Because what’s in your heart to do that’s good CAME FROM GOD! We know we are the hands and feet of Jesus, so what we if changed the phrase to: “I am here if there is ANYTHING ELSE you need.” Look at the shift that happens. That implies that you have already done something. That shows that you did what God led you to do without having to be told what to do.

There are some things we ALREADY KNOW to do and this morning, the Holy Spirit brought that to my attention. What has the Holy Spirit already impressed upon your heart to do? In what ways has He already put service to others on your heart?

As I was reading the 14th Chapter of Deuteronomy for our Scriptural Bible Study, it was filled with forbidden practices. Eat this, not that, was definitely the theme. But the chapter starts off by saying, “You are sons of the Lord your God…” and verse 21 repeats it it with: “You are a holy people belonging to the Lord.” We are set apart. We are unique. We are God’s people. We belong to God. I am not my own. You are not your own. Everything belongs to God.

Now, some of you know that I stopped eating meat back in May, but lately I have been wanting fish. My kids have been trying to get me to eat chicken because they absolutely love Chic-Fil-A, but I keep trying to help them understand that I choose not to and there is not major reason why. So as I was reading today about the meats that were forbidden to eat and the ones that were okay to eat, I couldn’t help but to think about fish. It was the exact meal plan that Jesus multiplied. And I have certainly been praying for God to multiply blessings in my life. But reading this did make me think…I may actually re-introduce fish back into my diet.

The other important instructions that are mentioned in this chapter is the Tithe. That’s where it says we are to set aside a tenth of all that we produce. Giving to God is a test of faith. It shows that we trust God to bless us and provide for our needs. Giving to God FIRST, shows how much we value him and it expresses our faith in his ability and willingness to provide for us. He doesn’t need our money, but He does need for us to acknowledge that everything we have belongs to Him! Plus 2nd Corinthians 9:10 says God gives seed to the sower.

In the old church, they used to sing a song that says you can’t beat God’s giving, no matter how you try. The more you give, the more He gives to you. And you know why? So that you can do what you ALREADY KNOW to do, in service and help to others. We are the hands and feet of Jesus. Let us be encouraged to shift what we say to others; do what we ALREADY KNOW to do; and trust Holy Spirit and His Word for all instructions.


If you don’t know Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior and you’re not a believer, but you have a desire to be, all you have to do is openly confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community, stay connected to other believers, and start having daily conversations through prayer with God every single day. Welcome to your new life with Jesus Christ!!!


  1. What did Holy Spirit say to you in your conversation with Him this morning?

  2. What has Holy Spirit already impressed upon your heart to do for someone and you have yet to do it? I encourage you to be obedient and do it today. Leave me a message on the podcast.

  3. Share this blog post/podcast with someone who needs encouraging. Share buttons below.
