Full, Not Partial!
Full, Not Partial!
Contemporary English Version
I want to start off by encouraging myself with yesterday’s message to just keep showing up. These last few days (and weeks) have had some tests and trials that have strengthened me beyond what I thought I was even capable of. God has given me the strength to keep praying and writing this blog consistently for the last four months on days where I felt like I was strong enough to conquer the world, and even on days where I felt like the Holy Spirit was propping me up completely, on every leaning side. I have learned some hard lessons of obedience and I have learned (and I am STILL learning) how to discern the voice of God in my love life. I know that God has me on assignment for Him and while for the most part, I have stayed mission-minded, there have been moments where I got off track. But I am thankful to God that I have learned how to get back on track MUCH QUICKER than I used to. So I am thankful for that.
This morning as I was praying from a much bolder place and I heard the Holy Spirit say:
When I say what it is, believe Me! When it comes from me, it will ALL-ways line up with My Word and it won’t confuse you one bit.
Remember when it’s from me, there will be peace, joy, and it will align with My Word through and through, not just partially. The enemy will try to fool you with a partial line up, but remember, I am God ALMIGHTY and when it comes from me, it ALL lines up with my Word! It will be ALL the way right, not just partially right.
What’s from me is ALL the way right. It’s on time. It’s ready (not still getting ready).
It will always align so perfectly with me that you see ME through and through.
I won’t ever confuse you!
When I give it to you, it will be full, not partial. The enemy can only give partial because he doesn’t know the FULL PLAN and he trying to fool you with similarities to my plan, but you will know it’s me because it will ALL line up with My Word. So when it’s not in alignment with My word, when it’s only partial, when it’s confusing, when you’re doubtful, and when it’s fleshy, that’s not me!
Then right there in the prayer closet, the Holy Spirit gave me a check list and I immediately made it into a cute graphic just for you. I also made one printable for you to print out at home! Use this checklist to help you discern if it’s from God or not! If every one of these is not checked off, pray more and listen even more. Don’t make any moves!!
And lastly, my scriptural surprise this morning was Hebrews 11-13. I actually didn’t randomly flip to it this morning. I turned to it specifically because it’s all about stories of faith and that’s what I needed this morning. I also read the first chapter of James, and verses 16 and 17 stood out, along with Hebrews 13:8!! Yasssss for all these standout verses today! I love Hebrews 13:8!!!
King James Version
I am headed to prayer service with an expectancy for a word from the Lord specifically FOR ME!!
Have a blessed Wednesday!
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A Word from God.
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