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Get In Position

God’s Word.


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Get In Position Fon Strong James

In obedience, the On Assignment By God Blog, now has an audio feature where you can listen to this blog!! Thank you for your prayers as I continue to be obedient and do what God says! Happy Listening!!

This morning as I was waiting to hear from the Holy Spirit, I started clearing out. Just to give you a little background on how I run the blog, I go on the website and duplicate the blog entry each day and remove the previous’s days content and replace it with whatever the Holy Spirit gives me for that day. I replace the photos every day. Of course the audio is recorded daily, and the content is all written fresh from the prayer closet. Just like farm to table, I am prayer closet to blog.

But this morning, my journal sat empty. Well not completely empty. During prayer time, I heard that the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord. And then when I opened my Bible for the Scriptural Surprise, I landed in Isaiah 54. The verses that stood out were six and seven, specifically the study notes (Tony Evans Study Bible) for verse seven which says: His promise, though, had always been to take her back to cleanse and restore her. To put “her” in context, this verse is talking about how Israel was like a wife and the Lord was like her husband.

As I sat here waiting for the Holy Spirit to speak to me, so that I could write down what I heard Him say, I started cleaning. I cleaned off my desk. I cleaned the blog so that I could be ready to go as soon as He gave it to me. I did all these things, but my journal still sat empty. I closed my eyes. I waited. And waited. And waited. That’s when I heard Him say, put your hands on the keyboard and get into position.

I am doing exactly that right now. And everything you have read up to this point has been Him using ME and this blog to share the message of cleaning up, removing the previous’s days stuff, and waiting for the Lord to give you a fresh Word for the day. But you must be in position to receive it.

How amazing is it for God to use this very assignment of writing what I hear every day, to show me how to get into position and alignment for Him to use me…in REAL TIME! I am literally writing what He says right now. It’s total dependence and trust in God that He is faithful to His Word. He can be trusted. And sometimes He will ensure that we are in the right position to receive what He has for us. He will ensure that everything is cleaned up. He will ensure that our steps are ordered by Him and that when we depend solely on Him, He will direct our paths. He will direct our thoughts. He will direct our fingers. He will direct our steps.

We can see in the scriptural surprise that the Lord promises to take us back, cleanse us, and restore us. I am so thankful for that promise because I am a living witness of that promise being fulfilled. The Tony Evans Study notes really breaks it down like this:

Israel was like a wife deserted and wounded in spirit, but not because her husband was cruel to her. Israel’s husband was the Lord, who had to reject his wife for a brief moment because of her sin. His promise, though, has always been to take her back to cleanse and restore her. ~ Tony Evans Study Bible. Isaiah 54_6-7 Study Notes.

As I am writing this, the Holy Spirit is revealing so much for me right now. I really see myself in this scripture. I was a wife before. I have felt wounded in spirit and I have experienced rejection for a brief moment because of my sin! But as I said, I am a living witness of the Lord being a promise keeper. He took me back. He cleansed me up. He has restored ME! And I know that because I delight in Him, He WILL give me the desires of my heart. He will restore me to be the wife He always intended for me to be. He will restore you to be what He designed and created you to be. Sin caused us to get dirty, deserted, and wounded in spirit and briefly be rejected by the Lord. But today, the Holy Spirit reminds us that the Lord, our God is a promise keeper and His promise has always been to take us back, cleanse us, and restore us. All we have to do is repent of our sins.

Thank you Lord for restoring me back to my place with YOU.

And thank you Lord for speaking to me in real time on this blog. Thank you for this super fresh Word from you Lord. You plan always works when I am in position to be used by you!


Check out your assignment questions for today. Take a moment to reflect and then answer the questions in your journal. Pray. Listen. Write. Obey.

Your Assignment For Today:

What did God say to YOU in your conversation with Him this morning?

Have you experienced the Lord cleaning you up and restoring you? (If you haven’t, simply repent for your sins and ask the Lord the clean you up and restore you. He is faithful to His promises).

Are you in position to be used RIGHT NOW for the Lord?

Today’s Scriptural Surprise is Isaiah 54. Just read all of it!


If you’re not a believer and have a desire to be, openly confess and declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer out loud, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community and start having a conversation through prayer with God every day. And let me be the first to welcome you to your new life with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. YAAAAY!!!!! You made the best decision you could ever make! Feel free to email me at info@onassignmentbyGod.com and let me know about your newfound life or if you need prayer for anything.

Psssst! If you enjoyed today’s blog, become a subscriber! I want to help you get connected to me via email on a daily basis so you won’t miss a day of My Conversations With God. Get the blog sent to your inbox daily by signing up here!! Trust me, God will speak to you too! Need to email me? I can be reached at info@onassignmentbyGod.com

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