Go and Sin No More!
New Living Translation
I woke up refreshed, smiling, and grateful for all that my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, IS to me! This place that I am in on my life’s journey is where I always WANTED to be, but always allowed sin to keep me from it. Today I just want to be really transparent and say this: My life is so good right now and there is nothing I want more than to please my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Absolutely nothing. When you get to a point where you are just tired of living a mediocre life or a life filled with conviction, you lay it all down at the feet of Jesus. That’s what 2019 represents for me. A year where I just stopped going in the wrong direction. Has it been hard to go in the right direction? Not really!!! See the thing is, everything on the right road with the Lord is GOOD ALL THE TIME! When I was on the wrong road, it felt good SOMETIME, but even then, the goodness didn’t have a peace about it.
When you’re rolling with Jesus it’s REAL GOOD. When I say real, I mean REAL REAL…as in not fake. Counterfeit good is what I was experiencing because it never lasted and always had conviction to follow it. More like temporarily good on a semi-good kinda basis. You feel me?
But today…IT IS ALL GOOD WITH GOD and I have a peace that DOES surpass all understanding. When things come my way, I don’t even see them the same anymore. Sickness? Simply means I need to stir up my gift of healing. Money Woes? Simply means I need to check my stewardship game. Rejection. Simply means God is protecting me from it. Struggle? Simply means I am trying to do it in my own strength. Lust? Simply means I need to trust God with my happiness, not myself (He made intimacy, so why not trust the maker of it and do it His way). I will!
This morning’s prayers felt effortless…like they were just flowing through me. I am realizing more and more that some mornings will be bold prayers, some will be tearful prayers, some will be slow prayers, some will be push-through prayers, some will be effortless prayers, but one thing that it will always be is PRAYER TIME! When you pray in the Spirit, you can rest assured that it will be exactly what it is supposed to be.
So what did the Holy Spirit say to me this morning after reading Ezekiel 16-18 in the Scriptural Surprise?
You can’t do this without Me! Dob’t even try!
I have cleaned you all the way up. Don’t do anything that would put you back into your old way of life.
Keep obeying Me.
I have cleaned you up! (He said it twice)
Keep living right!
Don’t go backwards!
Keep believing in Me and letting Me blow your mind.
Before I started reading Ezekiel, I had asked the Holy Spirit for a confirming word. When I opened my Bible, what I got from my reading was specifically found in verses 6-14. In these verses it describes how the Lord found Jerusalem when no one cared about them. And how He came by and said, “LIVE,” and helped Jerusalem to thrive. It also talks about the covenant He made with them and how they became His. As I was reading this, all I could think about was how I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior as a child and made a covenant with Him, but over the course of my life, I didn’t do all that I was supposed to do. I did life on my own terms a lot of times verses His way. But He never left me. And while it took me a while to surrender, when I did, He accepted me back with open arms and cleaned me right on up. He restored me to be the Queen that I am (Ezekiel 16:13).
I closed my Bible and asked the Holy Spirit to give me more confirming Words. So today I have a second scriptural surprise! It was John 8. The title on this chapter in my Bible says: A Woman Caught In Adultery. Now at first, I was like…wait Lord (LOL). Then Holy Spirit led me to just read it. The verse that stood out was John 8:11. And the message I got from reading it was: Yes I messed up, but Jesus said, “I don’t condemn you for what you did. Go and sin no more!” The other verse that stood out was John 8:36: “So if the Son sets you free, you will indeed be free.”
Listen y’all! Today’s message is full of encouragement to keep living right, not go backwards, and know that every sin you have done can be forgiven when you repent in Jesus name. You are indeed free in Jesus name! Amen!
Hearts & Hugs & Mind Blowing Moments from our Maker today!
P.S. Have you gotten a signed copy of my book, Permission Slips yet? You did? Great! Now it’s time to get one or more for your family and friends for Christmas! Order your gifts today. An inspirational book signed by the author never gets too tight in the waist. LOL :-)
If you’re not a believer and have a desire to be, openly confess and declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer out loud, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community and start having a conversation through prayer with God every day. And let me be the first to welcome you to your new life with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. YAAAAY!!!!! You made the best decision you could ever make! Feel free to email me at info@onassignmentbyGod.com and let me know about your newfound life or if you need prayer for anything.
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A Word from God.
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