Helping Honors God

A Word from God

A Word from God


When I talk to others about the importance of prayer, I am encouraged even more to be on my prayer post. I got up this morning ready to pray for all those who I am assigned to pray for. Did you? I hope so :-) We need your prayers each and every day!

This morning the Holy Spirit spoke some wisdom to me through the scriptural surprise. It came from the 14th chapter of Proverbs. And it was packed full of standout verses. Here’s what the Holy Spirit said to me:

  • Don’t just talk about it, DO IT! When you do the work, you will profit.

  • Just talking about it will lead to poverty.

  • If you are living a life of poverty or lack, that means you are talking more than you are working.

  • Gossip leads to poverty!

  • Work brings profit, but mere talk leads to poverty! Proverbs 14:23

  • Be in control of your temper, otherwise you will make mistakes. Proverbs 14:29

  • How are you helping the poor?

  • Whenever I put something on your heart to say to someone else, say it to them. Don’t hold back. I am using you to speak to them. You know it’s Me talking to you and they will know it’s Me talking to them.

When I read Proverbs 14:31, the Holy Spirit asked me how am I helping the poor. That verse in my New Living Translation says: Those who oppress the poor insult their Maker, but those who help the poor honor him. As I read the verse, I immediately felt the need to look up the word oppress. I know the word, but I wanted to make sure I knew. It means to keep someone in hardship, abuse, treat harshly, and keep down. When we do these things to others, we are insulting God. But we can honor God by helping the poor.

Yesterday I was headed to grab a pizza with my kiddos and a commercial came on the radio about a canned food drive. I said to my kids, “I wonder why we only do canned food drives during this time of the year (holiday time)? Aren’t people who need the food hungry year round? My kids thought about it to themselves and agreed that it was actually kind of weird, now that they put some thought into it. My kids just did a canned food drive at their school and of course they begged me to bring tons of cans. I did. But there is always this nagging feeling of wanting to do more! After reading this verse in Proverbs, I see why.

We are “in” this world, but we are not “of” this world. We can’t get caught up in worldly traditions or standards for giving. We are to give all year, not just during the holidays. Needs don’t just arise in November and December. People who are poor have needs January through October too! Are we insulting our Maker by only participating in service projects during the holidays that make us feel like we’re doing something? How are you helping the poor? How am I helping the poor?

Don’t oppress (abuse, keep down, keep in hardship, or treat harshly) the poor by being of this world and ONLY giving when food drives and angel trees are going on during the holidays. It’s great to give during this time, but what are we doing to not oppress the poor during the other months? We insult our Maker when we oppress the poor y’all. We are not just to help the poor during the holidays. When we help the poor, we honor God. Yes I wanted to say it again to make sure we really get this. I didn’t know I was insulting God by not helping though. Did you know that?

As I was sitting there writing in my journal in the prayer closet, I said, what about birthdays? We have so many organizations that focus on helping the poor during Thanksgiving and Christmas, but what about their birthdays? Notice that birthdays are all throughout the year? Who’s making sure the poor at least eats on the day that the Lord brought them into the world for His glory? Birthdays are more important than Thanksgiving if you really think about it. The Lord has put this on my heart and like He said earlier, don’t just talk about it, do something about it! I’m going to allow the Lord to lead me on this because it has now been placed on my heart as an assignment from God. I pray right now that the Lord blows my mind with this seed that has been planted in my heart to nourish. I pray for a birthday harvest for the poor that honors God!




I am just in awe of how the Holy Spirit will just speak to our hearts. Like right now as I am writing this blog, He is downloading all kinds of thoughts into me. I have had to pause writing the blog so I can capture them on my notebook!!! It’s these times that we are to move with one foot in front of the other, without all the details, knowing that He will guide and provide. I’m excited!!! What is the Holy Spirit telling you to do to help the poor?

Hearts & Hugs

P.S. Have you gotten a signed copy of my book yet? You did? Great! Now it’s time to get one for your family and friends for Christmas! Order your gifts today. An inspirational book never gets too tight. LOL :-)


If you’re not a believer and have a desire to be, openly confess and declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer out loud, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community and start having a conversation through prayer with God every day. And let me be the first to welcome you to your new life with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. YAAAAY!!!!! You made the best decision you could ever make! Feel free to email me at and let me know about your newfound life or if you need prayer for anything.

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New Living Translation


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