Encouragement: Keep On Living Right

A Word from God

A Word from God


Getting on your post to pray every morning is not just something you “try” to do if you feel like it. Praying is what you “must” do because someone needs your prayers. I am still in awe every time someone confirms that the prayers I prayed were in alignment with what they needed at the very moment I was praying. See being on your prayer post or prayer watch means you’re not waiting for the person to be like, “can you pray for me?” When you are on your post and praying in the Spirit, the Holy Spirit will pray the perfect prayer through you for them, without them even having to tell you they need prayer. We are to pray for more than just us and ours. There are people I pray for that I will never meet, but through the Holy Spirit, I am assigned to pray for them. Think about this. How would you feel if the person assigned to pray for you, decided to sleep in?

This morning, I was praying specific prayers around domestic violence and people who are being abused physically and sexually. I didn’t know the people that were popping up in my mind, but like I said, when you pray in the Spirit (that means praying in unknown tongues), the Holy Spirit is able to use you (because you are willing) here on earth to go before our Father in Heaven, and pray on their behalf. I will say it again. How would you feel if the person assigned to pray for you, decided to sleep in? What if the person you’re assigned to pray for is in a situation that needs your immediate prayers to help them get out of danger? This is why our prayer life is a necessary MUST DO!

Prayer is earthly license for heavenly interference.

My conversation with the Holy Spirit this morning reminded me of when I first started blogging. He would give me bullets and sometimes they were all of the same theme, and sometimes they would be several different themes in one conversation. When readers started sharing how much the blog blessed them and all for different reasons, I finally caught on to what the Holy Spirit was doing. He was talking to me, and most of the messages were for me, but some that seemed random to me, were for the readers. And some that were for me, was also for them too. Today, He went back to the bullet points. Here’s what He said this morning:

  • Keep on living right.

  • Replace curse words with My Words.

  • Keep seeking Me in all you do.

  • Keep going over what I have already said to you. Read again what I told you to write down. Keep the vision in front of you so that you won’t forget what I have you focused on.

  • I need you and your gift to help others see Me.

  • Help people see Me through you.

  • Check your assignments from Me.

  • MY assignments won’t have you confused in anyway because I am not the author of confusion.

  • Stay connected to Me, and I will always be the one who connects you to whom I want you connected to.

  • Keep going!

  • Keep being consistent in your prayers, even when you don’t see anything moving.

  • Keep living pure.

  • You don’t have to feel overwhelmed. When you do, that means you need to make some adjustments to get back in alignment with Me. I won’t overwhelm you.

  • Be urgently obedient. Don’t delay when I give you instructions, and do them in My name.

  • Keep flowing Fon. I am right here with you.

  • Keep encouraging. As you encourage others, you will BE encouraged yourself.

  • Keep sitting in the writing position, so I can flow through you!!!

I pray you are encouraged this morning to keep living right for Jesus. We are all here on earth to please HIM and be a reflection of His glory and His grace! He loves us and only wants the best for us. We are His and He will never ever leave or abandon us. When you don’t feel Him, just know in your heart, HE IS ACTUALLY STILL RIGHT THERE WITH YOU! And most of all, PRAY. Your prayers are essential to someone’s life…including your own.

Hearts & Hugs…and hot coffee in a great mug!! LOL!!

P.S. Have you gotten a signed copy of my book yet? You did? Great! Now it’s time to get one for your family and friends for Christmas! Order your gifts today. An inspirational book never gets too tight. LOL :-)


If you’re not a believer and have a desire to be, openly confess and declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer out loud, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community and start having a conversation through prayer with God every day. And let me be the first to welcome you to your new life with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. YAAAAY!!!!! You made the best decision you could ever make! Feel free to email me at info@onassignmentbyGod.com and let me know about your newfound life or if you need prayer for anything.

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