When You Encounter Me, You WILL Encounter Jesus!
A Word from God
The prayer closet was lit in the 5 a.m. hour this morning! I mean straight up lit! I prayed some bold prayers in the Spirit this morning y’all that I KNOW had my Lord and Savior beaming! I felt this strong sense of boldness that had a ‘can’t stop, won’t stop’ fire to it! I could feel myself moving around and jumping up and down and stomping! I was praying praying, you hear me!!! I had that “come on with it” kind of boldness. And I said out loud, I WON’T COMPROMISE!
One of the areas that the enemy was always able to slide into my DM (direct mind) is with relationships. When I look back over my life, relationships have always been that “thing” that had so much of my attention. I mean all the way back to early teenage years. And I know, we all probably went through puppy love and felt ourselves grow into more mature love, but for me, relationships was always something ON MY MIND. I used to call myself a hopeless romantic because to be real transparent, I never had a problem getting a boyfriend, but a lot of times (more times than not), I would be with the person I didn’t really want to be with (if you know what I mean). And no, I wasn’t always wanting the jocks or popular guys. LOL! LOL! I actually never wanted to be with any of those guys. And yesterday, for the first time, I felt a freedom that I had never felt on my birthday before. It was relationship freedom. But see the enemy wanted me to feel relationship despair. He wanted me to feel like, here you are again celebrating another birthday and you’re not actually with anyone. But I had GOOD NEWS for the enemy this morning. I am DEFINITELY WITH the one I want. I am with the one that laid down his life for me. Can’t nobody beat that kind of love! And not one person I ever wanted would do that for me. I was glad to let the enemy know this by saying the name above all names…JESUS!
This morning, the Holy Spirit reminded me, “what the enemy meant for evil, I am turning it around for your good.” That broken relationship? Turned around. That divorce? Turned around. That time you compromised yourself. Turned around. Those thoughts you had. Turned around. That act you did repeatedly. Turned around.
This morning I want you to know that when you surrender your whole life to Jesus Christ, HE CAN TURN EVERYTHING THAT WAS MEANT TO DESTROY YOU… AROUND FOR YOUR GOOD! And yes I typed all caps because I am saying it LOUD enough for the people in the back AND the crowd standing around who thought the bad relationship or divorce was gonna take me out. BUT GOD!
As I navigate relationships now, my whole mood, attitude, and mission is to please my Lord and Savior. When you encounter me, you WILL encounter Jesus. The enemy has used relationships to distract my attention long enough. Now, any guy who THINKS he wants to approach me has to come through Jesus to get to me and then when he gets to me, HE WILL ENCOUNTER JESUS! When you encounter Fon, you encounter Jesus! PERIOD!
The other thing the Holy Spirit and I talked about was this. He said, don’t just hear a good message. Study and know my Word because My Word is the weapon you will use against satan. In order to tell satan what is written (or what the scriptures say) like I did when he came to tempt me in the wilderness, you too have gotten to know what is written!
We have to read our Word. The enemy don’t care about a message that feels good when you hear it because he knows you will forget it when he tempts you. You feeling all good from a good sermon is not enough to fight off the temptations. you have to put some scripture on your situation! The enemy knows you don’t read the word of God nor do you have the memory to stand on it. The Holy Spirit is telling us (me and you) that we have to STUDY the Word of God so that we can STAND on it!
Just like with relationships, the enemy ain’t gonna stop trying to come at me through my relationships just because I have made these declarations. But the difference now verses back then is that the Holy Spirit gives me the discernment to SEE things I never could see before. And even for the things I can’t see, my daily prayer life and time with Jesus every morning covers me. Plus I am studying scriptures. I WON’T COMPROMISE!
Be encouraged this morning because Jesus has already defeated the enemy!!! And again I say…when you encounter me, you WILL encounter JESUS! JESUS! JESUS!
Hearts & Hugs from the one who will always show us His LOVE!
P.S. I know I just routed a bunch of demonic rats that thought they would squirm into my life. But at the mention of the name of JESUS…demons tremble! See ya suckas!!!
Question for you: Are you able to identify how the enemy tries to get you? One of mine was relationships. What’s yours? Think about it so that you can be ready with scriptures and daily prayer!!!
If you’re not a believer and have a desire to be, openly confess and declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer out loud, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community and start having a conversation through prayer with God every day. And let me be the first to welcome you to your new life with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. YAAAAY!!!!! You made the best decision you could ever make! Feel free to email me at info@onassignmentbyGod.com and let me know about your newfound life or if you need prayer for anything.
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